Tuesday, May 22, 2018


So the Little Fat Guy has his staff make it known, North Korea may not attend the meeting with The Donald? Maybe, just maybe, he read Donald’s book, The Art of the Deal. Is he jockeying for a better position? Let’s hope that’s all that is going on here.
 Is he getting push back from his hardline Generals? Remember, several of them have taken rocket rides for the nuclear program not going as planned. Perhaps they believe they have too much invested to just walk away from their work? Although it’s fun and prudent to look at all options, I wouldn’t put much stock in this theory. I would be willing to bet the rocket ride program is still alive and well.
               Is he pushing back on the Dragon’s Master Plan? Would the Little Fat Guy dare to jump the tracks with his Masters in China? I know he’s a little on the crazy side, but if this is a process the Chinese wish to happen and he is making changes at the last minute, then his replacement will have to clean up the mess………………literally…..clean up the mess. Nope. I don’t buy it.

               Was this change in attitude released right on schedule? Was that schedule designed in China? Now, to me, that’s a Dog that can hunt. ( most of the foreign readers may have to look that expression up). If anyone has read The Donald’s book, it’s the Chinese. I would be wiling to bet many of their senior people had it required of them. Some most likely have it memorized or know it better than The Donald. If leadup conditions are now placed on the table, a table the Chinese knew The Donald was banking on for his growing list of accomplishments, then why not change the rules at the last minute? Would any of us not do the same? To the Chinese and to The Donald, this is “Business”, not just international politics. This is about power, and this is about leverage, and this is about MONEY! Does the Little Fat Guy really want to keep his nukes? Does he or the Chinese truly believe the US will accept some version of what took place in 1994? I think the Vice President said it best yesterday. If this last minute switch is designed to make The Donald look bad, then the walk away will be just as dramatic as the North Korean change of position. It’s a silly point in time to be playing this game and it’s a very silly stance to take with the current US President. If the Dragon is looking for more leverage, I hope they are prepared for the very unpredictable reaction they may receive. Did the phone ring between the two leaders, China and US ,that is? You bet. Did The Donald ask, “ what is your little pet doing now”? You bet. Did The Donald say something along the lines of, “ He better come to the table and he better be smiling and you better have his nuclear program gift wrapped next to him”. Yep. Yes, the Chinese are up to something, but they need to be very careful. They need to go back and read the section on walking away from a deal. To The Donald, words mean something. If there is one thing he can’t seem to stand, that is someone saying The Donald talks a good game!

               If you want to see how things might turn out if the Little Fat Guy really does stick to his, “ I’m keeping my nukes”, then look at the words addressed to Iran yesterday. When The Donald has his team make the statement, “ The harshest sanctions EVER”, you can bet a plan exist. The list of demands, not starting talking points, that was the last talk from your knees US administration, were astounding to read, even for me. Simply put, the message was, “ Iran….change your ways or else”. Some in the Iranian government even interpreted this as a declaration of war and in some ways, it may very well have been just that. Talk loudly and carry a BIG STICK. Has anyone out there not figured out The Donald’s version of an old US saying? Oh, by the way…………… does anyone truly believe any action by the EU will prevent the IDF from attacking Iran’s program the minute they see it underway again? What do you think those trips to Moscow were truly all about? Why is the US willing to pull out of Northern Syria? All the parades in the world will not save the Iranian military and no one knows this better than the Iranian military leadership.

               So, two message have been sent. One to the Little Fat Guy / North Korea, and really the Chinese and one to the old men in Tehran, and really the Iranian military leadership. If ether of these two nations convenes themselves they can stand up to “ Talk loudly and carry a BIG STICK” attitude of The Donald, well…………………………………………………. Let’s just see how that goes. PS…. If I was responsible for coordinating Iranian Military Parades, I think I would switch my effort over to funeral procession training. My last comment to both North Korea and Iran. Don’t push your luck and go back and read the book!