Monday, March 26, 2012


Ok, I'm going to gamble here and say Egypt is probably telling the truth when they state the two people they arrested for plotting to bomb a ship in the Suez Canal.

The fact that Egypt stopped, or claims to have stopped, such an event might be Egypt's way of showing the West the real value of their partnership at a time when they were relying on continued US military aid.

Adding the storyline of the plot being Iranian and an Israeli ship could be part of the, "see how vital we are to you", plot of this story.

What is really freighting is the fact the story may actually be true!!!

Israeli intelligence has the capability and the relationship with Egypt's military to determine if the story is factual.

If it's true, Israel will make a huge deal out of this event; one that will rival the Saudi Ambassador story.

Ok, lets face the facts.. if this story is true, then Iran and the events of the past six months are truly indicating to the world how far they are willing to go to defend their vision of their future.

If true, I simply don't know how anyone would speculate a military exchange with Iran will be " limited"!!!

These attempts.. are not the actions of a nation thinking of "limited actions".

This story snuck by most given the events in Syria, but it might boil back to the top soon!