Thursday, November 24, 2011


Although Egypt is giving the Syrian event a few short days off of the top of the news, it is not going to delay what now even the Arab League understands to be the inevitable.. the fall of the Syrian government.

Iran knows this better than anyone else to include the Arab League and the fear factor is overwhelming for them.

Iran is also more convinced than ever Saudi is supporting the Syrian Resistance and most likely the Free Syrian Army / FSA !

Is this true?

Remember, the 21st century, Social Network world is based on perception far more than fact!

Besides.... It probably is true to some degree and the level of support is not important to Iran.

So, the "Proxy" events between Iran and Saudi have been going on for sometime now and this latest violence in the Shia township is just another dangerous chapter.

With all that has taken place in the Middle East this year, it is important not to lose track of who the real issues and what the impact might be.

The balance of power in the Middle East is coming into question.

Will the Persians or the Arabs or the Ottomans take control?

The fact of the matter is, the "West" is losing it's grip and the financial ability to keep that grip is all but gone.

 How will organizations like the BRIC influence the future of the Middle East?

What role does China and Russia see and what are they willing to do to gain influence in the region?

The world still pivots around carbon based fuel and the cheapest is oil.

The Middle East is the center stage for two of the world's religions and oil.

That has been and will continue to be a very dangerous combination!