Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Russia states it may change it's involvement in the Iranian Nuclear Program?

Israel has it's largest air operations in Syria to date?

Serbs hint at the issue of secessionism?

Who was it that said one of the most dangerous outcomes of the Ukrainian event would be Second / Third Orders of Effect.... The Law of Unintended Consequences?

I always hate to say, " I told you so"... but... " I told you so"!!!!

Here is the bad news.

These three actions are more than likely only the beginning of the Ukrainian fallout!

Why... there was even talk of Orthodox nations needing to come together!!!

Where have we heard that before....hint.... think 1854!

 While all of this was taking place, I couldn't help but notice the leadership of the US was in Eastern Europe and more or less....drawing "redlines" again!!!!

If you have three or four redlines that have been trampled out in front of you really think the next "redline" is going to have any impact at all?

Is the message; "ok....this time we really...really mean it"?

An as for those countries where these new redline type of statements were made... take a guess what they think.... at least in private.

If I had to grasp for some example of minor success, I would wish the Israeli strike into Syria would be an example of the West letting the Tsar know not everything is going to go his way.

Here is the problem, I don't believe that to be the case...not at all!!!!

My theory is the reason we witnessed the largest air strike into Syria since the beginning of the conflict based upon an even more pressing problem for the West.

Israel's rapidly depleting trust in Western support.

In my opinion, the message was clear; " we are not the West".... We will not step backwards from a threat"!

What the IDF accomplished was to not only put Assad on notice, but Hezbollah as well.

It would be more than foolish for Assad to be convinced by the Tsar or the Persians that he can act like the Tsar and Israel will act like the West.

What is working for the Tsar could prove to be disastrous for Assad and his Puppet Master's in Tehran.

By the end of the day, one fact stands clear.

Where this is all heading is not just up to the President of the United States and the Tsar.

That is how the game was played in the "old" Cold War.

In this new version... many players have the will and capability to change the playbook and that makes this a far more dangerous Cold War than in the past.