Sunday, August 21, 2011


It is no mystery the allegiances of Hamas have been shifting to the MB and everyone  knows Hezbollah dances to the fiddle of Iran.

Iran may have rebuilt Hamas after the conflict with Israel in 2008, but it would be foolish to think that Sunni Hamas would abandon it’s “roots”… the MB and the Sunni faith for the sake of Iranian arms.

Egypt is again the epicenter of the MB movement and so Egypt’s ability to convince Hamas supported operations to cease hostilities with Israel makes prefect sense.

So here comes the real problem for Israel, just because Hamas agrees, at Egypt’s bidding, to a cease fire, that  doesn’t mean the other groups will abide.

The Hezbollah supported units march to the drum of Iran and Iran is getting exactly what they want from this conflict……  a distraction from Syria… with the exception of Assad’s completely asinine  press conference today.

Let’s make this real simple.

Egypt and the MB do not want this event to derail the plans for September.

Iran desperately needs this event to continue, but not spiral out of control

  When it comes to dealing with Israel, Egypt and Iran have very different plans and luckily very little incentive to work together.

Israel must balance the actions of both of these countries along with preparing for the events of September.

September is only a week away and Israel will not sleep for weeks to come.

September could be the “Perfect Storm”.