Sunday, August 7, 2011


Let’s take a look at three big picture issues that could very well set the course for the Middle East soon.

Syria and Turkey:

I think the talk of Turkish physical interdiction in Syria is closer to being a reality and the danger is both sides may see why this needs to happen.

Two months ago the rumor of Turkey opening a “ Safe Zone” inside of Syria was nothing more than just that a rumor. 

It is very possible the Turkish Military was told to draft a contingency plan for such an event given that is what militaries do…. Plan for actions..

Last week an arguably weak “rumor” was making its rounds  based on the possibility the Turkish Military Senior Commanders had stepped down over the issue of possible intervention in Syria.

I watched this story fall apart quickly, but not soon enough that some didn’t pick up on it.

Most “Rumors” have some small percentage of fact and in this case that small percentage could have been the planning process Turkey developed two months ago for the “Safe Zone” concept.

The truth of the matter is the Turkish Military leadership’s actions were based on a long standing conflict with the current government of Turkey.

Now for the Syrian side:

The open conflict witnessed all last week, even as Ramadan began, is a huge indication of just how desperate Assad has become.

Here is the million dollar question!

Has he become so desperate that he would contemplate actual hostile actions with another Nation State?

I have talked about this theory in the past, but the chances of it coming to reality became a great deal more disturbing with the following two articles’ release.

At the sake of keeping this post simple, let me try to argue why Turkey could soon be forced to make hard decisions.

If you have been following what I have been saying, you will remember my  belief in the potential struggle for control of the Middle East…. The Ottoman Empire Vs the Persian Empire.

It did not go unnoticed by Turkey how quickly the world reacted to the weak response by the UN on  Syria.

Turkey knows all too well the power of strong words following the limp reaction of the UN.

In the spirit of building the Ottoman Empire, Turkey could easily find it to their advantage to take strong actions.

For now, strong actions can be seen as sending a senior Turkish Official to call on Assad with the press release that the message this person delivers will be a stern warning.

It’s the type of posturing Turkey must show right now.

To say or do nothing, especially during Ramadan, would send a message to any potential follower, Egypt ect… that Turkey is more concerned with appeasing the EU and the UN than doing what is right.

Back in April I commented about the danger of becoming a “Leader”.

Well, Turkey is seeing that danger now.

Now back to my question stated above.

Will Assad risk conflict?

Lets turn this question around?

Why would he not risk conflict?

His supporters may leave him?

If Turkish troops set foot on Syrian land, no supported of Assad will leave him for it will not be about Assad, but it will be all about Syria.

If the warning by Turkey is truly as upfront as Turkey states it will be, Assad will have no choice than to respond with words just as harsh.

As soon as he does, you can look for a statement from Iran and Hezbollah.

Now, does that mean Iran will risk a regional war for Syria?

Go back to the same question asked about Assad?

At the point of Turkish troops setting foot on Syrian land, what choise does Iran really have?

The question of who will win the day in the Middle East.. The Ottoman Empire or the Persian Empire will have been answered.

Yes; the danger here is tremendous and what is even more dangerous is the “group think” that an event like this can not or will not happen.


Paranoia continues to run deep in the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

Putting out a weak story about “amendments” to a law that basically says, “ if you take to the streets…. You are guilty of conspiring against the King” is a desperate attempt to soften the blow to public perception.

The story even hints the amendments may not get passed the “hardliners” in the Saudi leadership.

Bottom line; Saudi is getting ready for an event that keeps them up at night and gives them nightmares..

Seeing Mubarak in a cage must have sent chills down the spines of the Royal Family.

Israel and the month of September:

If Turkey and Syria have not blown the lid off the Middle East by September, than Israel may get it’s chance.

For months it has been obvious the Arab Spring / Tunisian Virus / will end up in Israel.

How it gets started has several options, but how it ends is practically set in stone.

Violence will be the theme of September and Iran / Hezbollah / Hamas  will insure that is true.

The question becomes does Israel preempt the pending events?

My bet is they do…

How do they do that?

Push Syria or Iran over the edge.

Why would Israel risk doing this?

Go back to the same question at the beginning of this post; the one asked of Assad and the one asked of Iran.

If Israel is in flames and riots rule the day as in Syria, what does Israel have to lose?

Egypt and the “ I told you so”.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I think I have already said thatJ  this story is a classic “ I told you so”.

Imagine the concept of Left leaning, social liberal and their college professors deciding to pull away from the MB?

I’m shocked!!!!

I called them ideological fools the day I saw them standing next to the MB and I think they have now seen the light all be it a little too late.

It’s like Sheep standing up to Herder .. shoulder to shoulder with the WOLF!!!!

Egypt is light years away from becoming a stable Democracy; Western definition that is.
