Thursday, December 29, 2011


I afraid many have missed the mark on why Iran is suddenly making such bold statements about oil flow from the Middle East.

Most of the talk centers around the Iranian Nuclear program, but some of us are not buying that line of logic, at least not just yet.

My bet is the issue is Syria!

The Observer mission showing up with such constant press coverage is simply not going to work out the way Assad and Iran hoped it would.

Getting someone in charge of the team who himself has a very troubled past is not going to insure Iran the report in Jan they are looking for.

The fact of the matter is Iran with each passing day becomes more and more convinced the Puppet Assad is going to fall in Syria.

They grow more and more convinced the Arab Spring is going to overtake Syria and then spread to Iran's youth.

For months now I have beat the drum of Iran being the real trigger for the Middle East.

Not over the nuclear weapons program, but over the Arab Spring.

So, is Iran willing to take the game to the next level?


The threats of oil movements being interrupted is a true threat and the US knows it.

Does Iran pull the trigger over the oil issue or does it get a regional war started over the Palestinian, Israeli issue?

Are the Arabs willing to destroy the Middle East over a Persian quest?

If not, the oil war becomes the primary mission and it's all designed to save the future of Iran.