Sunday, July 6, 2014


Two days ago, I was reading an article describing what a difficult position Saudi was in with the ISIS issue to the North and the Shia backed Rebels to the South in Yemen.

By the time I was finished reading that story, it dawned on me, for the second time, where this story came off the tracks.

If someone is going to talk about being stuck between two worlds as options are reviewed, it’s clear to me the real trouble rest with Hezbollah and not Saudi Arabia.

From the very first day Hezbollah leadership described to it’s base why it was going to drag the young men of Lebanon into the meat grinder called Syria, it was understood this would be more than a hard sell.

Arab Muslims killing Arab Muslims for the sake of saving the Persian Puppet Assad, the same Puppet who ruled over the people of Lebanon for years, was a story that would never sit well with those who paid the price with their families and loved one’s blood.

Well, that was over two years ago, and the ability to sell that story has gone from bad to worse.

Hezbollah’s losses in Syria may easily be over a thousand, but everyone knows their leaders will never let that real number be known.

And now, just as the leadership of Hezbollah struggles to keep the party line on Syria, they are forced to come to the realization the real pending struggle may very well be about to take place in Lebanon, not Syria.

ISIS groups have made it known to Hezbollah they need to go home to Lebanon and do their level best to prepare for battle on their own land.

Just think for a moment, what it must be like to practice a speech on why losing your youth in Syria is so vital to your “cause” only to be interrupted with the message of, “the enemy is our door making demands”?

Imagine the mothers of the lost Hezbollah men saying, “Why are our fighters being killed in a foreign land, a land that occupied us, as our families now come under threat from the enemy we choose to attack”?

The move by ISIS and its supporters in Iraq was designed to generate relief from the battles in Syria; battles Hezbollah men were dying in day after day.

What does Hezbollah’s leaders do now?

Do they call the same families and say, “We need the last of your male members, because we cannot figure a way out of the Persian killing fields we were ordered in to”!

I’ll give you’re the same hint I gave everyone a few weeks ago.

The Hezbollah leaders have now decided to train females to “defend” the homeland.

I’m sure this pitch is wrapped in patriotic speech and Yellow Banners everywhere.

What would have happened if two years ago, the Hezbollah leadership would have done as Nancy Reagan said, “Just say no”!

When the Persians pointed their fingers into Syria and said, “March” what would have happened if the Arab Men of Lebanon said, “No”!

Hezbollah faces the most dangerous period of their short history and their options for finding a way out are slim to none.

Soon the battlefields of Arab Muslims killing Arab Muslims for the sake of the Persians will spread to Lebanon and the leadership of Hezbollah will be screaming the same old worn out speeches.. waving the bright yellow flags that cover more coffins with each passing day.