Monday, May 5, 2014


So, last night I mentioned what might take place that could push Russian Commanders over the edge and force them into “old style” conflict… an event that would bring world condemnation down all around them and the Tsar.

How would you like to be the military commander who promised a “new” way of waging conflict and then have to resort to the same old rut… and you made this promise to the Tsar?

Now, let’s not fool ourselves.

Is there anyone in the West ready to take the events in the Ukraine to such a level?


Are there those who are capable?

Oh yes!

For the past several days I’ve made repeated statements about the false impression scripted military exercise can create.

So, this time around, for the sake of argument, let me take a shot at how the Russian master plan for the Ukraine could be countered; admittedly with a large degree of risk!

Now, the topic of cyber warfare has been just about worn out by every so called “expert” over the past ten years.

Contracting firms have made millions terrorizing government agencies with “cyber tabletop exercise” over the past few years, but the fact of the matter is, most people simply don’t understand what could happen and in reality what will someday actually take place.

All right; let’s get down to it.

Time for the What If” game!!!!!

What if:

What if a Western Nation…let’s call them the Nation of “Blue”… for those of you who ever played the old Cold War Exercise game, you know the reason why the nations are named after colors and not actual nation names.

All right…. The Nation of Blue decides it’s going to attempt to foil the perception of peace loving Tsar, who is simply out to protect the poor Russian sympathizers in the Ukraine.

The limitations for the operation are these.

No kinetic weaponry support to the Kiev government.

No loss of civilian life in Ukraine can be a result of any Nation of Blue’s actions.

Absolutely trace can be linked back to the Nation of Blue?

Based upon these restrictions, the Nation of Blue planners, not just military planners, come up with the following actions.

  1.  Disruption of communications of Russian Special Units operating in Ukraine.
    1. Not just disruption, but the capture of information that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt as to Russian involvement.
                                                    i.     Think in terms of what President Kennedy authorized during the Cuban Missile Crisis when it came to showing the world classified information… yes the President / Commander in Chief / has the authority to do such a thing.
  1. Disruption of vital information required to execute operational support missions.
    1. Who insures the disruption units operating in Ukraine have what they need and keeps it functional?
    2. What happens when a supply movement shows up at the wrong location or doesn’t show up at all?
    3. What happens when emails providing, where to be.. Who to meet and what needs to take place are not from the person they are supposed to be from?
                                                    i.     Once burned, how do you regain trust in electronic communications?
    1. What happens when notification of KIA reach families back in Russia when no Russian troops are reported  to be in the Ukraine and by the way.. these troops were not KIA, but their families are told they are…. Ah yes… facial recognition software… ever wonder why everyone is wearing ski mask on the Russian side of the event?

  1. GPS data that is wrong?
    1. Does anyone remember certain events in the Serbian conflict?
                                                    i.     Ask the Chinese!
  1. YouTube clips that show Russian patches on unit members fighting in the streets of Eastern Ukraine and then a voice in the background of a cell phone call … to a number that has a history in the past few hours of being used in the same area, in a very non Ukraine accent, “check your members uniforms”…

Ok, I think you get my point by now.

The 21st century form of warfare can be deadly politically, economically without ever firing a kinetic shot!

The Russians played this game to a very simpleton degree in the Georgian conflict.

What the West can do is light-years ahead of what the Tsar showcased in Georgia and even then, his military leaders reverted to what the trust… guns…. Tanks… fighters.

Can a campaign be waged against the Tsar over Ukraine without firing a kinetic shot?


Can it change the course of the event?


Would this drive the Russian military senior leaders back into the only world they truly trust?


Does the West have the resolve to take this measure?

No…and that is why. When it’s all said and done, the Tsar will have things more his way than not!

To lash out in anger over being made to look a fool is a real danger with an egomaniac like Putin, but that cannot happen when the West simply will not use the tools that no one else in the world has… not like the West does… not even the Dragon.. but the Dragon learns at a speed that dictates that soon the world will see such an event and the Dragon will arrive on the world stage as the new master of world leadership!