Thursday, May 29, 2014


Did the congratulatory phone get place from DC to Sisi?

I’ve not heard, but my guess is it did not!

Is the US administration still upset over the tossing out of the Brotherhood?

Well, that is most likely the opinion of those who have been tacking this event.

So, where does Sis go from here?

Does he strengthen his relationship, on the slide of course, with Israel?

How else would he deal with the resistance that will continue from Gaza?

Will he reach out to Saudi and the GCC knowing the money to help ease his pain resides in the bank accounts of  these nations?

The answer rest with looking at Jordan…. The model for learning how to reach out to the real money in the region.

Will Sisi put any effort to working with the Persians?

Only if the Tsar tells him it would be to his benefit.

What does that mean?

Does the Tsar get a majority vote on what decisions Egypt may make?


What is old is new again and who do we have to thank for this?

Next question.

 Is the new Egyptian leader sailing into calm waters now?

For the most part……yes!!

Can a ground level insurgency begin in Egypt?

Can Egypt start down the road of Lebanon or worse Syria.

Perhaps, but my gut tells me it won’t happen anytime soon.

Syria is not going well for the Sunni radicals and all efforts, shy of Yemen, seem to be focusing on turning the tide once again in Syria.

Does the West understand the risk of letting Egypt slide all the way into the Tsar’s camp?

I wouldn’t bank on it.

Something tells me the power that be in DC somehow see Sisi’s rise as a Republican plot or worse yet… something that is GW’s fault!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


As it appears the current administration is on a one week binge to boost the President’s image as something other than a weak leader, it seems the issue of supporting the Rebels in Syria is once again a topic pushed to the press.

Now, this story may catch the interest of the media, but no one should be under the illusion that anything is going to really change.

Has the US been supporting the rebels from some location near the area?

Most likely.

Is this really new news?


Is it attempt to repair the image of the US President?

Stack this story on top of the speech the President gave at West Point today and it’s more than obvious what is taking place.

Don’t be surprised if the President’s version of trying to sound like a Hawk,as funny as that may sound to people like the Tsar,  continues for the next few days.

Do the Rebels really believe any tangible support is going to come from this?


So, what is the “ support” the US and the West has most likely been providing for the events in Syria?

Well, my hunch is it’s based upon assuring the IDF they don’t have to take action inside Syrian land….other than bombing a few sites from time to time.

Yes….the objective of the “support” is to keep the Israeli government from taking actions that would possibly detail the dream of a nuclear deal with the Persians.

Is the US President going to repair his image with these dramatic, hollow, speeches?


So is all of this a complete waste of time?


I’m not even sure the Tsar bothered listening to his intelligence agent’s analysis of what the US President is up to this week.

Sad, but true.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Ok,  Michael Weiss knocks the ball clean out of the park… no surprise there!!!

I’ve spoken to the issue of Egodan’s mental state on many occasions and the comparison here with the Tsar is spot on.

A different kind of crazy……yes…. But crazy never the less!!!

So, is it safe to sit back and simply laugh about the nut case running the show in Turkey?


Remember, he is a “nut case” as a NATO Allie!

So, just how dangerous is Egodan?

Simply put….very!!!

If you remember the last time a spoke to the issue of this madman, it was the mining disaster and how I predicted it would not take him long to strike out at someone over the whole issue….it’s what  irrational, violent people do.

Well, the fact of the matter is, it took him less than 24 hrs from the time I made that post.

As a matter of fact, I think he may have been beating up on the families of the victims as I was writing the article.

If the West comes to the realization that both Turkey and Russia are run by mentally ill men, then the question should be asked, “ what to do about it”?

Here is the real bad news, we all know the answer before we even bother to ask the question.

What will the West do?


Or should I say it will do what every Progressive typically does…just hope it all goes away and try to distract their base with some other topic.

Is this all a direct result of the death of American leadership?

To some degree, but the course of the Tsar was set almost twenty years ago and this idiot in Turkey has been around for over twelve years.

Someone asked me today, “ what is the real difference between the Tsar and Egodan”?

Michael Weiss addressed part of the issue, but let me take a shot at what the real danger is.

Egodan is a hothead and more than irrational….downright scary.

But, forces inside his own country are determined to counter his rule and the odds of them being successful are close to 50 50 over the next few years.

This is not the case with the Tsar.

He is not an irrational hothead, at least not with witnesses.

His enemies in Russia are vocal but the vast majority of the people support him and he has done a masterful job of building this process with the events in the Ukraine.

 Is the Tsar completely safe?

No, but the odds are very much in his favor for the foreseeable future.

Is it possible two mentally ill world leaders could find common ground when they both seem to be on opposite sides of the Syrian Proxy war?

Short answer….yes…

Does anyone think Egodan or the Tsar gives a damn about the Arab population of Syria?

Would both of them be willing to take any action needed to achieve their dreams?

Would the Tsar set the Ottoman madman up to be his overseer of the Middle East?

Yes, but the Tsar knows, as some of us do, the future of the Ottoman is not cast in stone and that will be a weighted factor.

If not the Ottoman, then who?


Monday, May 26, 2014


Two major events have taken place in the past week and I’m fairly confident most people have no clue what they could mean.

Modi’s win in India:

I would be willing to bet the Tsar didn’t factor into his Master Plan for the Russian Empire the emergence of a nationalistic India!

I would also be willing to bet the Dragon’s worse nightmare for long-term dominance just became a near reality with Modi’s victory.

What did Modi’s win mean to the West?

Hard to tell.

In the US, 99.99999 percent, to include most of the federal government “experts” have no clue where this might lead.

As much as the West may be thinking about this topic, and other than corporations that means not a lot of “thinking” is going on, it’s the Dragon and the Tsar who are recalculating Modi’s dramatic step into the next definition of the “New Word Order”!

Bottom line….the New World Order may have just gotten “Newer”… much to the surprise of the Tsar.


In the past 24 hrs, the future of the European Union took a dramatic hit!

Is this a lasting event or a short-term anti vote?

Well, the progressive governments of Europe are praying, if they do pray, it’s a fluke…an anti vote as they are calling it.

So, is it short term?

I don’t’ think so.

Look, the pool of those who pay the bills is shrinking not only in the US but in Europe.

The Millionaires of France all but moved…to Russia no less.

Those who are shouldering the burden of Political spending for the sake of staying in power are now becoming those who are simply working…not just the dwindling “Middle Class”, but the working class as well.

The typical formula for social unrest and historically that social unrest was to the advantage of those social spenders who cry the Rich are robbing the poor.

What these left of center thinkers continue to forget is the reality that this same social upheaval is the nest of Nationalism… extreme Nationalism.

Is this the course much of Europe just turned towards?

It’s more than a possibility and that is why the midnight oil is burning in every capital of Europe.

 “ The trouble with Socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money”… The words a very wise Woman who England could use right about now!

So, here is what I think these two events mean to the rest of the world.

They both have a trend that must not be overlooked.

The people of Europe are growing more disenfranchised by spending their money on those who do not tow their weight.

The other group in Europe is growing tired of hearing they can’t have what everyone around them as they are being told, “it’s the ‘Rich People’s fault’ and you deserve better…just vote for me”!!!

In India, the people are well aware of the fact the Dragon is out to be the next real world leader and they simply don’t see themselves as being servants yet again to the next big movement….The Western culture’s rule over their land was enough and they seem set to not let history repeat itself.

Simply put; what we may have all witnessed this last week was the rise of Nationalism with a 21st century flavor.

On a bright note……none of this is good news for the Tsar or the Dragon and the way I see it, a “game changer” just took place on two fronts.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Well, I’ve been off the net for about a week, but I’m back now and I’m going to go hard at if for several days to get caught back up.

Yep, when this happens to me, I fall back on knocking out a “Snapshot” to get caught back up.

So; here we go.


Was this really new news last week?


Does it mean more now than when the process started ten years ago?


Did the Tsar have this day in mind when he started the negotiations ten years ago with the Dragon?


How could he possibly plotted his move on Eastern Europe, something he has been doing for nearly twenty years, without insure the lifeblood of the Russian Empire, fuel, was not secured.

Does this “deal”, and there is a reason I put deal in quotes, fall right into the plans of the Tsar and just the time he needed it to?


Does the Dragon have any intention of allowing the Bear to hold the same advantage over them as it did with the Progressive, naive Europeans?


The one fatal flaw the Tsar may have made in his master plan to bring the Russian Empire back to it’s glory may have been to underestimate the Dragon people; but then again I would not place too large a bet on that assumption.

Does the Tsar understand where his real threat comes from?


Was this gas “deal” intended to last 30 years?


It’s intent was and still is to insure Western sanctions will not derail the Tsar’s master plan.

The Dragon and the Bear are in the early stages of a power struggle that will last for decades to come as the West sits on the sidelines worried some Muslim Fundamentalist may show up with a car bomb!


Let me keep this as simple as I can for the simple reason this is far from a simple topic.

Is Iran in the midst of a internal philosophical struggle?

I now believe they are.

If you’ve been reading my post, you know my fascination with the badmouthing of the Hassan Rouhani by the hardliners and now the somewhat defensive posture of some of the key military leaders who appear to be supporting him.

Is the West still drunk on striking a deal with Iran over it’s nuclear program?


Is the West willing to let Iran and the Tsar have their way on Syria for the sake of pacifying the Persians?

It appears so.

Are the members of the GCC moving forward with the concept of defending themselves from the Persian surge that is hidden behind the religion of Shea beliefs?


Can this internal struggle in Iran lead to something the West could exploit in the near future?

Yes; but only if the West knew how or had the will to do so and I think we all know the answer to that question.

Now, most importantly!

Are the Israelis willing to stake the future on their nation on the political leadership  of the West?


When it finally comes down to the zero hour, the IDF will do what it must to insure the future of Israel.

Oh, by the way.

If you don’t believe they will have partners from the GCC in that endeavor, you are fooling yourself.

As it is in Syria and Egypt, the future of Iran doesn't rest with the West.

The Star of David symbol on military hardware will decide the future of the Persian people.

If the youth of Iran understands this, and the nationalistic pride is weighed against nationalistic suicide, then the powers that control Tehran may still see what they have feared since 2009….The Persian …. Arab Spring.

Again, the West may hope to have a final vote, but in the end, once again it may watch matters unfold.


Elections this weekend…yes… we know that.

An important event?

Yes, to some extent.

As hard as it may be as we watch the events in the Ukraine, we cannot forget the issue is far larger than that.

Is the Tsar going to stomp his way into the Ukraine? 

I said this over a month ago, but I will say it again.

Why should the Tsar use his troops to kill Ukrainian civilians as the world watches on?

Let the Ukrainians kill Ukrainians and let the land slip into madness; that’s the Tsar’s plan and it has been all along.

Pay particular attention to the increasing number of “militias” pro Russian Militias popping up not just in Eastern Ukraine, but all over the country.

This is the fighting force the Tsar will utilize, not Russian regulars!

It’s been over two months since I made this comment, but do not forget the Ukraine is but a single move in a much larger game the Tsar has begun.

Time is on his side and he knows it.

Soon the US will be knee deep in a very emotional and most likely election cycle and that means going dormant for a few months is just part of the plan.

Well, there your have it.

A week off and a small details stacked up to a level that is simply too complicated to track.

The good news is, the large moving pieces, the important issue, have not deviated.

The Bear and the Dragon jockey for a new… “New World Order” and the West….well… I've said twice in this post…..the West is simply watching from the sidelines……wait… was that an Arab Male that just walked by??? DHS…

Dumbfounded and distracted... .a new National Seal!  

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Um… can you say military outpost?

Sure…. I knew you could.

Why, you might ask?

Well, if you did ask that question, I’m afraid you are way…way behind the power curve on current events.

Before we start taking about the Dragon building a military outpost in Filipino waters, at least from the Filipino perspective, we need to realize the PRC flag doesn't have to fly over this sandbar to get the point across.
What if this man made Island becomes nothing more than a oil rig work station.

Will it be manned by Chinese citizens?


Will the Filipino government have the never to move on this location?

I bet not.

Why not, remember the US has their back!!!!!

Ok, yes, that was as sarcastic comment.

Why is this happening now?

First off, don’t blame the Western disaster called policy on the Ukraine.

The Dragon had this plan in the mix far before the Tsar made is unassociated move on Europe.

Reality is right in front of us and some simply don’t want to see it, at least not before the 2014 elections in the US.

Operation Pacific Squeeze  is executing according to schedule and the Dragon has a detailed course of action for any response the Filipino government may come up with.

Here is what  I find ironic.

How long ago was the US President in the region talking up how “committed” the US was to their allies in the area?

Was this project underway by then?


Did Western Intelligence know about it?

I would hope so, but then again….well… I won’t comment.  

Did the US just chose to ignore the topic?

Well, would that not fit the pattern executed by the US for the past few years?

“We are here…by your side… through thick and thin….um… pay no attention to that outpost being built in your waters….. it’s nothing to be worried about.

Ah yes… The death of American Exceptionalism and the continued price the rest of the world must pay.

I hear there could be more oil off the cost of California than in the Gulf of Mexico.

I wonder how much longer before one of these Dragon outpost is constructed off the cost of San Francisco?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Over 250 dead and the numbers are going up.

If there is one thing Egodan understood he needed to do and needed to do quickly, it was act as if he was deeply troubled by the event.

Was he truly upset by the mine disaster?

You bet.. .as upset over what it might mean to his rule as any egomaniac would be.

Today was a day for his sympathy and it was apparent his sympathy didn’t get him far.

Just how in love are the Turkish people with this ruler who has far over extended his control over Turkey?

Take a look at the crowd around his car today and see if you can answer that question.

Placing his hand over his heart as he looked into the crowd simply didn’t seem to work.

So, back to what he is really concerned with.

How will his adversaries leverage this event against him?

Will he lose support prior to his next presidential election?

You can rest assured his team is measuring this issue as I write this.

Does he need a head on  a stick?

Is that what it might take to take the pressure off of his rule?

Is it more than one head… how many…who… they are all sacrificial lambs if needed.

As soon as he finds out how many state / private / figures he must put to the stake, he will take his next action; the one he is known for.

Striking back at those who dare question his rule!
By next week, those who are still protesting   will be labeled as “antagonizors”, supported by the opposition…. An opposition out to limit the future of Turkey… know… .Ergodan’s legacy.

 Now, will Egodan’s  enemies not try to take advantage of this event?

Of course they will…. They to are political animals and that means you strike when your opponent is wounded.

Look; here is the reality of this disaster.

The only ones who really care about the dead and missing; the only ones who want to know how this could happen are the families and loved ones of the dead and missing.

Yes.. to Egodan this is a disaster, but a disaster to his rule and future.

I will tell you one thing, I would not want to be the Mining Minister in Turkey right now.

I don’t care if he is Egodan’s long lost Brother; he is a marked man and he knows it.

Let’s see how long it takes the Ottoman Sultan to strike out at those who question him.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Well, I must admit the only thing that “stunned me” after reading this announcement was the number of “experts” stating, how stunned they were!

Is it new that Saudi is “reaching out” to Iran?


Has something changed?

Is it a linked to the nuclear negotiations taking place this week?

Are the Saudi’s so worried their Western support is failing that they would suddenly compromise and capitulate to the Persians?

Now, that one I can answer!


So, what is taking place?

Did Prince al-Faisal decide to strike out on his own shock his King?

Really; not a valid question.

Once again, the best way to decipher what might be taking place, we should consider who the “message” is for and not why the message was announced.

Is the leadership in Tehran the intended audience?

Was the message to someone else?

Someone else…..that’s my bet.

Money is power and power is based on knowledge.

The knowledge of who is promising what to whom and what that might mean to you, that is the leverage money can buy and who has more money that Saudi?

So, this reach out takes place just as the nuclear negotiations are set to start and who are these negotiations important to?

Yep…. The West / US.

So, what message is conveyed when the Western Leaders hear Prince al-Faisal making such a statement?

Does it help the negotiation?   

To all the progressive Western leaders, the hope is the Saudi’s are truly looking to calm the flames of conflict with the Persians!

Perhaps this could even lead to the peace in Syria?

Maybe it’s an indication the Saudi’s are ready to give up on the Sunni cause in Syria, given the Assad victory in Homs and the rumors of a pending settlement over Aleppo?

Well, these are the exactly the type of baseless statements Western leaders  “experts” love to give their Bosses… why…. there might even be a promotion in the works!!!!!

Now, let’s look at this “reach out” from the Persian’s viewpoint!

When word of this ‘breakthrough” made it to Tehran, I wonder how many of them began to run up and down the halls using the word, “Breakthrough”???

Yep…. None!

Did the Persians put an ounce of belief into this statement?


And do you know why, because they understand they were not the intended target.

An airplane arrival… a few photographs and a few words on the future of the region that is what will come of this “breakthrough”!

 Here is all we really need to understand.

The details of Saudi’s actions are known by the Saudis and only the Saudis.

The West will have to rely on the inputs from their “experts” who are looking for that next talking head gig or perhaps a GS 15 slot in DoS or the intelligence agencies.

Oh, as I've said before; there is one groups that may just have all the answers….. the Oil industry.

Who knows what about the Saudi’s intentions is based on money and money is based on oil.

Now, what these oil folks know is understood for only one reason….profit and profits are based on the power of knowledge.

Do these knowledge holders / power holders/ run to tell their secrets to Western Political Leaders?

That’s about as big a mystery as the inner workings of the Saudi kingdom.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Three years ago, I commented, at the beginning for the battle of Alleppo, Alleppo would be the Center of Gravity for the Rebels.

Well, who were the “rebels” three years ago and who are the “rebels” now no longer resembles the beginning.

Is Assad supporting Sunni, Fundamentalist Radicals…. The same ones he has battled for three years?

Was Assad able to divide the “enemy” to the point they spend as much energy killing each other as they spend fighting Assad and his Allies?

Did Assad truly figure out how to make this happen?

Of course not!

His Father could have pulled this off, but not the Eye Doctor or his Brother.

You can thank the Iranian CUD force for turning the tide of the Sunni factions.

It’s a process the Iranians perfected prior to Syria and it simply took a little bit of time to make it work.

Now, as for Aleppo; it’s the prize the Assad Team wants desperately.

Not because it’s a function city, it may never be that again.

It’s the symbol that makes it the “prize”!

It’s the city the Assad team would never retake!

So, what has changed?

Is the fall of Aleppo truly the end of the Sunni rebellion?

Are the “Rebels” whomever that may be now, read to call it quits?

As I stated about the situation with the city of Homs, the will to persevere must reside in more than just the minds of the Old Religious Leaders who sit and sip their Tea all day talking about what is at stake.

Rebellions have a Life Cycle and the cycle in Syria has is no different that the thousands of other rebellions over the history of man!

Yes, the 21st century Pandora’s Box called the world wide web…. Social media has changed how conflicts are perceived, supported and then unsupported.

You see, it still takes young men willing to not only destroy their futures, but give up their lives for perhaps a 100 yrds of rubble that may be held for a day or less.

After three years of dying and an Enemy that seems embolden to take travesties to the next level, the population of these “young men” may be about spent.

Let me assure you, Assad, through the networks of Iran and the Tsar, know exactly how many new fighters are moving into Syria.

If that number is falling, then once again, the old BB King song may apply….”The Thrill is Gone”!

I cannot sit here tonight and tell you the “Tide” has turned or is about to turn.

I’m not willing to predict the fall of Aleppo.. the truth is, like Homs, Aleppo ceased being a “city” nearly three years ago.

Aleppo is not the strategic goal of the Assad Team.

Assad doesn’t get to make that call… he’s an Eye Doctor who inherited a Cold War process that is far too complicated for his brain.

This may not be the end for the Rebels.

Fighting may take place for years to come at a much lower level; just think in terms of what is taking place in Iraq right now.

What I do know is this….. The fate of Syria does not rest in the hands of the West!

It does not rest in the hands of the Arab League.

Syria is  tool… a tool of the Persians and the Tsar.

Who sets the tone for the foreseeable future in the Middle East is no longer an issue for the West to control.

Those days are gone… Into the pages of history… like thousands of other events in the region.


In the movie “ Kingdom of Heaven”, there is a wonderful scene where Balian of Ibelin ask Saladin, “what is Jerusalem worth?”…. Saladin answers, “nothing”. Then as he walks away he turns and clinches his fist with the answer of, “Everything”!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Last week, I kept reading about a series of articles, statements and open press stories on how President Rouhani was for lack of better terms, a turncoat.

It was also fairly understood this story line was being pushed by the IRGC’s leadership.

So, fast forward to this week and then comes the rumors of the IRGC preparing to neutralize any have baked deal Rouhani may come up with over the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Is Rouhani truly a reformed, Middle of the Roder”?

The West / US / has certainly been banking on that wish.

Could Khamenei have concocted a plan where Rouhani comes out as the “reformer….willing to talk to the West”… and yet be a loyal follower of the Persian grand plan?

Or, did Rouhani win an election based upon the votes of those the Khamenei / IRGC / camp fears the most…….. the youth of Iran?

Remember this.

The backfire the Iranians started to prevent the Forrest fire of the Arab Spring from reaching the Iranian capital, that lead to the civil war in Syria was just one indication of how far Khamenei’s team was willing to go to preserve the “dream”.

Has Rouhani truly tried to strike out on his own?

Is he truly making an attempt to meet the West halfway?

I’m not sold on the idea, but in reality, it doesn’t really matter what we in the West think.

What is important to focus on is the reality that the CUD force and the IRGC work for the Supreme Leader an no one else.

I’ve said this before and I will say it again.

If the Supreme Leader wants Rouhani gone, all he has to do is send one message to Soleimani and the deal is done!

Taking all of this into consideration, what are we looking at in Iran?

Is the House divided?

How does the West “test” this theory?

Does it even know how or worse; does it have the desire to try?

This Iranian weapons game has been going on for decades now and the playing level is now far more complex than any point in the past.

Trust is a fleeting concept in the 21st century of international affairs.

Trust inside the walls of a tyrannical government like the one in Iran is nearly impossible thanks to social media.

If there is a disturbance in the “Force”, something I’ve questioned in the past when talking of the Persians, then how is it leveraged?

Now, here is the truly disappointing question.

Who takes advantage of it?

If not the West / US / then who?

Ah yes… once again the Tsar’s name comes into the picture.

Talks coming up….talks the US and the West are desperate to have a positive spin.

That means nothing.

What does the Tsar want to take place as a result of these “talks”?

That’s the real question.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Victory day parades and the largest parade in Moscow in over 20 yrs?

Is anyone surprised?

Just about every journalist placing their eyes on these well scripted events continues to rave about the apparent surge in Russian pride!

 I won’t argue the point the Tsar has accomplished a masterful feat in rebuilding the support of a public that was only a little over a year ago working hard to real Mr Putin in.

Then came the “threats” to the Russian people themselves.

The rise of Nazism in Europe and ever more controlling “West” trying to keep the good people of Russia down….once again!

Yes, to a large degree, what the Tsar has pulled off is impressive, but are things as blissful as the state controlled media in Moscow would as the world to believe?

Do youthful Russians see themselves as important members of a global community?

Do they remember or understand the horrors of what took place in their country over sixty years ago?

Can the Tsar build future Russian pride on the memories of WWII?

Does that equate to the youth?

Today was a day to celebrate a heroic feat unmatched by any other nation during WWII.

What the Russian people accomplished… what the endured.. what they survived forever changed those who remember and perhaps their children.

Those who protested against the Tsar and his heavy handed dealings with those who oppose him; they are not the children of the War Heroes.

Most are not even the grandchildren of that generation.

Are today’s events in Russia yet another indication of how the Tsar is on the move, after all, it was the largest display in over 20 yrs.. I think I read that twenty times today!

I’ll tell you what it means to me.

A little over a year ago, Mr Putin was struggling with a population that was no longer in love with his vision / style / of ruling the Motherland .

Mr. Putin’s “Vision” of the Russian Empire with him playing the part of Tsar was in trouble.

Yes, the Tsar has things going his way….for now..

Does that mean the discontent that was so visible in Moscow a little over a year ago is gone?


Does the Tsar know that?

You bet he does.

What is he willing to do to keep the momentum moving forward?

Who is he willing to suppress at home?

Ask around… you can find the answer.

Today was a celebrated day for those who dared to stop the Evil that was Nazism and nothing should degrade from that fact.

Mr Putin was not one of those heroes and he can only bask in their glory for so long!

Thursday, May 8, 2014


So, the Tsar paints a picture of “backing off” on the whole Ukrainian issue or so some of the  media “experts” have commented.

Now, granted, some of them are skeptical, as is the rest of the world, over the Tsar’s change of heart.

Look, we all know what is going on here.

Once again the well-organized phases of his master plan are being executed right on time.

Last week the official Russian stance was, they no longer have the ability to influence what is taking place in the Ukraine.

Logically, if you know how the mind of the Tsar works, the next statement would be one along the lines of, ‘ we are making every attempt to work peacefully towards a compromise’!

So, Russia states, ‘we can’t control but we are trying to help’!


We all know what a passionate man the Tsar can be!

So, if we have correctly anticipated these two moves by the Tsar, what is the next?

Are these stunts just another indication he is about to move on to the next phase of his Master Plan?

What is that “phase”?

I remain skeptical of an actual Russian movement into the Ukraine, but if I woke up tonight and it had moved into an open operation, I wouldn’t be that stunned.

Ok, as much as the Western media seem to be memorized by the Tsar’s so called change of heart, the attached story is far more of an indictor of where the Tsar is heading, big picture wise.

First off, look who attended this meeting.

Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus!

If you think Poland or some other Eastern European nation is on the Tsar’s target list, you might pay attention to why these three are more important to him than non fuel producing Eastern European speed bumps.

Next, look at the “theme”, a topic that is not new to the Tsar’s vocal opinion of where Western Europe has been heading for years now.

Stirring   the image of Nazism and it’s European roots is not a process brought about by the Tsar’s passion for European history.

Painting a picture, a very unpleasant, picture of his potential rivals and then proclaiming to his non-European business partners that this seems to be the growing trend in Europe, well…….. ask yourself…………why?

I’ve said it time and time again, but here we go.

What is taking place in the Ukraine is only one phase of the Tsar’s Master Plan.

Bringing up the image of the Nazis in Europe again allows the Tsar what?

The support and the excuse to prevent that from taking place in lands that are important to Mother Russia?

I just wonder what the German government thought when they once again heard the Tsar bring up this issue of  “Nazism” in Europe?

The Tsar continues to move ahead with “Plan Russia” and we all keep running around trying to figure out what he is doing and what he is going to do next.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


As I was reading through a stack of articles about the recent events in the city of Homs, I came across this one in al-monitor that simply made me change gears on what I wanted to talk about tonight.

Let me break down what I would like to comment on into two topics with the second one being far more important, big picture wise.


So, Assad has a “great victory” in Homs?

He has the “momentum”!

The “resistance” is demoralized!

The “tide has turned”!

Well, I don’t buy any of it.

Historically any conflict that last several years has the tendency to appear to have “run it’s course”.

It’s even logical that the entrenched government, if it has the support and the resolve, can wait until the flames of passion….passion for the romance of conflict… fighting.. telling war stories… basking in the “Warrior” limelight, begins to die out.

Is that what is taking place in Syria?

To some extent yes.

The reality is as much as some would like to predict the changing of the tide, the reality is the resistance is now the entrenched government and the entrenched government is now wearing down the war weary original resistance.

Yes.. We are talking, to some degree, about role reversal!

Homs has been ruled, for the most part, by the rebels for almost three years now and the city is nothing more than a pile of ruins with people wondering around from day to day.

What constructive “vision” did the Rebels have?

What jobs program did they have ready to implement?

What is the planned development for the city?

Exactly…. Young men caught up in the thrill of killing and taking pictures of each other!

Not a real formula for “Urban Development”!

“We need your food, your money and your young men”; a message that cannot last three years without giving the people a single thing in return.

Yes, the Civil War in Syria is entering a new phase.

Yes, the “tide” may be “turning”!

But,  what does this “turn” mean to those who are trying to live in what is left of Syria?

Does Assad wake up in the morning and say, “ok it’s over and we can all go back to work now”!

Homs, one of the most historic cities in the world is a for the most part a smoldering pile of stones and concrete dust.

As a matter of fact, I would argue the definition of a “city” no longer applies to Homs.

As of today, some are running around trying to get paid for saying, “Homs is evidence of failed Western policy”.

Some are running around banging out the next chapter of their mindless books on the conflict in Syria, saying “Homs” is the turning point”!

Nobody in Homs cares what this “event” means.

What they want to know is if they can walk across the street in the morning without being shot by a sniper.

Can they pass a parked car without having to hold their breath?

Nothing has changed and the war will continue!


Am I referring to the current administration or to the House and Senate?


If you are to believe what is said in this article, and I do, then key members of Congress are learning more about what the US is doing, or should I say not doing, in Syria then they are from the White House?

Two parties, two doctrines so focused on destroying the credibility of the other that the world watches with complete disbelief!


I’s more than sad, it’s damn downright dangerous!

Has it happened before in  American history?

Yes, but that was then and this is now; this is the 21st century and past mistakes are not examples for the future.

Does it matter the rest of the world may read this article and say, “what a fallen idol they have become”?

Does it matter the Tsar and the Dragon see this disgraceful relationship on a daily basses
And say to themselves, “ who cares what they think… they are in the death throes of Capitalism / Democracy”!

Does exposing this dysfunctional relationship between the two parties bring a greater degree of danger to the American people?


The 21st century world live off of social media and social media is the King of perception.

I will tell you this; an old adage needs to be applied here and someone better realize it quickly.

“ A house divided cannot stand”.

Finally; please don’t give me that worn out line of, “ disagreement is a sign of healthy governance…. In a Democracy.

This is the 21st century and those who believe that better open their eyes soon.

There are times this slogan is true, but now is not that time! 

I'm fairly passionate about this one. Please pass it on. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


You can be an academic department chair or a veteran News Correspondent  or even a paid talking head babbling away over the issue of the Persians abusing the people of Lebanon or how Hezbollah cares less about the future of the Lebanese people and not have driven this message home any harder than this Iranian General.

Major General Safavi, did more than just blindly walk right into the hands of  those who see Iran as an abusive Master, he brought up the ghost of an event that still runs deep in the psyche of the Lebanese people.

The murders and atrocities of May 2008 created memories not just in the minds of men and women who are no so old that no one listens to them; it impacted the very voters who are contemplating the Presidential elections.

Rifi’s staff could not have scripted a more opportune time for such an iodic comment.

Yes, many, like me, understand the Persians do nothing more than exploit the people of Lebanon and hide this exploitation under the name of protecting them from the IDF.

What this Persian General did was add more accreditation to the concept of Lebanon being nothing more than a second front for any potential Iranian / Israeli war and you can bet his handlers in Tehran now understand what price they are going to pay for these words.

I can imagine the leadership of Hezbollah, a Hezbollah that is in a struggle to maintain it’s status in Lebanon, when this statement was shown to them.



True in disclosure?


Someone else read about this disaster and is hard at work finding everyway possible to leverage what took place.

The Israeli government!

General Safavi is a pompous ass, but he is a more than that.

He is a ignorant fool who let his mouth take his Bosses where they do not want to go and for that, he will have to suffer the consequences.

Oh ya.. as for being a “ Senior military aid to Ali Khamenei.. there is truly only one of those and he is in charge of the operations in Syria.

Safavi’s time may have just run out.

Monday, May 5, 2014


So, last night I mentioned what might take place that could push Russian Commanders over the edge and force them into “old style” conflict… an event that would bring world condemnation down all around them and the Tsar.

How would you like to be the military commander who promised a “new” way of waging conflict and then have to resort to the same old rut… and you made this promise to the Tsar?

Now, let’s not fool ourselves.

Is there anyone in the West ready to take the events in the Ukraine to such a level?


Are there those who are capable?

Oh yes!

For the past several days I’ve made repeated statements about the false impression scripted military exercise can create.

So, this time around, for the sake of argument, let me take a shot at how the Russian master plan for the Ukraine could be countered; admittedly with a large degree of risk!

Now, the topic of cyber warfare has been just about worn out by every so called “expert” over the past ten years.

Contracting firms have made millions terrorizing government agencies with “cyber tabletop exercise” over the past few years, but the fact of the matter is, most people simply don’t understand what could happen and in reality what will someday actually take place.

All right; let’s get down to it.

Time for the What If” game!!!!!

What if:

What if a Western Nation…let’s call them the Nation of “Blue”… for those of you who ever played the old Cold War Exercise game, you know the reason why the nations are named after colors and not actual nation names.

All right…. The Nation of Blue decides it’s going to attempt to foil the perception of peace loving Tsar, who is simply out to protect the poor Russian sympathizers in the Ukraine.

The limitations for the operation are these.

No kinetic weaponry support to the Kiev government.

No loss of civilian life in Ukraine can be a result of any Nation of Blue’s actions.

Absolutely trace can be linked back to the Nation of Blue?

Based upon these restrictions, the Nation of Blue planners, not just military planners, come up with the following actions.

  1.  Disruption of communications of Russian Special Units operating in Ukraine.
    1. Not just disruption, but the capture of information that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt as to Russian involvement.
                                                    i.     Think in terms of what President Kennedy authorized during the Cuban Missile Crisis when it came to showing the world classified information… yes the President / Commander in Chief / has the authority to do such a thing.
  1. Disruption of vital information required to execute operational support missions.
    1. Who insures the disruption units operating in Ukraine have what they need and keeps it functional?
    2. What happens when a supply movement shows up at the wrong location or doesn’t show up at all?
    3. What happens when emails providing, where to be.. Who to meet and what needs to take place are not from the person they are supposed to be from?
                                                    i.     Once burned, how do you regain trust in electronic communications?
    1. What happens when notification of KIA reach families back in Russia when no Russian troops are reported  to be in the Ukraine and by the way.. these troops were not KIA, but their families are told they are…. Ah yes… facial recognition software… ever wonder why everyone is wearing ski mask on the Russian side of the event?

  1. GPS data that is wrong?
    1. Does anyone remember certain events in the Serbian conflict?
                                                    i.     Ask the Chinese!
  1. YouTube clips that show Russian patches on unit members fighting in the streets of Eastern Ukraine and then a voice in the background of a cell phone call … to a number that has a history in the past few hours of being used in the same area, in a very non Ukraine accent, “check your members uniforms”…

Ok, I think you get my point by now.

The 21st century form of warfare can be deadly politically, economically without ever firing a kinetic shot!

The Russians played this game to a very simpleton degree in the Georgian conflict.

What the West can do is light-years ahead of what the Tsar showcased in Georgia and even then, his military leaders reverted to what the trust… guns…. Tanks… fighters.

Can a campaign be waged against the Tsar over Ukraine without firing a kinetic shot?


Can it change the course of the event?


Would this drive the Russian military senior leaders back into the only world they truly trust?


Does the West have the resolve to take this measure?

No…and that is why. When it’s all said and done, the Tsar will have things more his way than not!

To lash out in anger over being made to look a fool is a real danger with an egomaniac like Putin, but that cannot happen when the West simply will not use the tools that no one else in the world has… not like the West does… not even the Dragon.. but the Dragon learns at a speed that dictates that soon the world will see such an event and the Dragon will arrive on the world stage as the new master of world leadership!