Wednesday, April 17, 2019

So, the “rank and file” of the Syrian military was upset with the latest attack from Israel? So, some of the leadership feels the Russians and the US are supporting Israel’s actions in Syria? What was their first “clue”? That support has been taking place since day one of the Russian operations inside Syria.
Why Now?
            Why do these “rank and file” members speak to this issue now? Did fear keep them from making these statements, statements they’ve known all along were true?  Has the level of frustration just now become an issue? Was the location of the attack the new twist? Nope. It’s been hit before. Was it how it was struck; from Lebanese airspace? Nope. Look, Iranian and Hezbollah assets in Syria have been under attack for several years now, so why did some of the Syrian military members finally decide to say something?

Is the Bromance coming to an end?
            I’ve addressed the issue of the so-called alliance between Iran, Russia and Syria on multiple occasions, but for the sake of clarity, let’s take a quick refresher course and I promise I won’t take the approach of some condescending Academic looking to sell their next book. Iran is one thing to Moscow….. a Pawn……. A Pawn that is a proxy fighter when called upon or manipulated into such actions. To the Mullahs, Syria is a Pawn….. a nation with a subservient government that bends to the will of Tehran and its vision of the future for the region. The idea that Moscow will determine the outcome of Syria is unacceptable to the Mullahs. These old men may be delusional, but they recognize the game being played by the Russians……. Act like they are a friend until the movement in time that friendship is no longer needed and then……. The Mullahs sleep with the fishes.
            Again, a few weeks ago, I commented on how important it was the Mullahs dragged Assad to Tehran and did so without Moscow’s permission or knowledge. Inside the halls of the Kremlin that action was not going to go unanswered. Yes, Moscow had been letting the IDF have it’s way in Syria, but pulling Assad in for “consultation” without telling the Tsar, well….that was a step too far. Did that lead to the Israelis attacking last week? Someone would have to prove to me it didn’t. Iran is pushing it’s agenda for Syria and that agenda is not designed in Moscow. How does this answer the question as to why the Syrian military finally spoke up? They were told to speak up! They were instructed to call out Moscow and place the blame on the Russians and good luck to the Syrian military leaders who didn’t follow those orders….orders coming from the Mullahs. Rock and a Hard Spot? Why do you think the statements were from “unnamed sources”? By the way, if the whole thing was made up and no Syrian military leader said anything about the Russians being in bed with the US and Israel, what an absolutely brilliant move on the part of the Intelligence Community!!!! Sadly, my bet is, the story is true. As much as I would like to believe the IC could pull off such an information operation, I am more convinced this event is another true indicator of the fragile Bromance between the Iranians and the Russians growing weaker by the day. Sure, the Russians will come out with some statement about the alliance is stronger than ever. They may even send a few more ineffective toys to the Syrian military, but in the end, one strategic fact cannot be denied. The future of Syria and the region is not a common vision between the Russians and the old men in Tehran. Pressure to expose that division is critical to those that don’t want to see ether side reach their vision quest. Side Note. If you think the US is Hell bent on keeping the Russians from determining the future of Syria, you may be in for a disappointment. Iran is target number one for the US and Israel is the proxy fighter for that task, and that fighter is undefeated in the region. By the way, when the Tsar decides it’s time for the Mullahs to go, well………… the fish will have company.