Sunday, September 3, 2017


How many times have I written about the issue of North Korea? Has anything really changed? Is it even with talking about? Is anything going to change? Why am I even taking the time to write this post? All good questions and for that reason, I’ll once again weigh in on the issue.


Was it a Hydrogen device? It appears so. Does it matter? Yes.  Why? From a tactical level, the destruction efficiency is vastly superior to a typical nuke. Pardon the pun, but it’s a matter of more bang for your buck! If true, it’s a physiological victory that allows the Little Fat Man, perhaps I should stop calling him a nickname that is related to a nuke weapon, to continue to thumb his nose at the West. So, if it’s all true, score yet another one for North Korea.


I’ve said it before and I will just keep saying it. It’s in China’s power and interest to solve the North Korean issue. Two years ago, I spelled out a simplistic, but dangerous concept for the Chinese. It went something like this. Get some of the North’s Generals to accept a deal they can’t refuse. Get them in position to Kill the Little Fat Man and then invite the Chinese / South Korean governments to form a coalition, interim government after the coup takes place. Hint. They don’t have to invite the US to the party. When the dust settles, the Chinese have what they want and the US / West has what they want. A North Korea that is no longer a threat to the world. The US / West without an excuse to have a large standing military on South Korean land. A China that shows the world they truly are the only nation that can solve the complex problems of the region! Sound simplistic? What is the alternative?


I’m not going to use the “Kick the Can[DS1] ” metaphor this time. I’ve used it over and over again just like the US leadership has for the past three decades. Options! Someone tell me what the options are for the US? Someone tell me how you solve this never-ending crisis without pronouncing a death sentence to a million people in one city alone? If your answer is a ballistic shield, a system where launched warheads are intercepted in flight, then tell me the plan for convincing the Chinese the same system will not be left in place to counter any Chinese capability? Take a look how that conversation has gone with the Russians and the issue of Europe. 


Is that the answer? Capitulation? Does the US and its Allies simply make threats against the use of nuclear weapons and there by admit they are going to live with a nuclear North Korea? There is every hint in DC that is exactly what is taking place. What will that lead to? What so called, “message” does that send to other rouge nations such as Iran? Is capitulation the bluff the next madman can count on? For Iran’s sake, I hope and pray that is not the case. The resolve of the US may be based upon the unacceptable price of war, but the nation of Israel cannot spell the word, “Capitulation”! And with that, the ugly truth once again comes to the surface. The North Koran event is not just about North Korea. The ability to get where they with nuclear weapons didn’t come from North Korean Scientist. Those who have allowed North Korea to achieve this goal are responsible for the future that may be about to unfold. The Dragon wants everything its way. It wants to dominate world trade, the new Silk Highway. It wants to be the new leader of the world as we stumble into the 21st century. “Let them eat Cake”. That may be the attitude, but here is another old saying the Chinese may want to ponder. “You can’t have your cake and eat it to”.  Kill the little Mad Man. Get the North Korean Generals to accept the offer you can provide them. Give the US a reason to pack up and go home from South Korea. Do these things and the world may just avoid the next nuclear war.