Wednesday, March 7, 2018

               Sometimes, things happen so fast and in such rapid sequence, that’s its hard to pick an event to really focus on. As I watched the story of the Emperor Xi unfold I had to admit even I was shocked how little coverage this was given in the US / Western/ media. The most dangerous nation in the world announces its new Emperor and the Trumpophobic media all but ignores the ramifications. What does it mean to the rest of the world? How will this dramatic move in China impact the US? Who cares……… A hooker is the latest weapon in the War on Trump and the media is foaming at the mouth to get the story out. Why not announce the crowing of the new Emperor? The US only has its eyes on destroying itself and what a fine job it’s doing.

               Emperor Xi? Was that the plan the whole time? The New Silk Road needs a new Emperor? Why not? Who’s going to stop any of it from taking place? Xi has a Master Plan for China and it’s obvious he cannot afford the risk of letting someone else finish the job. Sound familiar? Maybe he and the Tsar read the same book?  Can you imagine the close door comments in the region? Imagine the reaction of the Japanese, Indonesia and even the crazy idiot in the Philippines. What freedom was left in China just diapered…………………….for now.

The Tsar Roars:

               Just about the time I thought I had an understanding of Xi’s move, BOOM…….. the Tsar one-ups the new Emperor. “I have weapons like no other country in the world”! Really? That’s the message at the Tsar’s annul speech to his people? Yes, he talked about other things, but nobody and I mean nobody outside of Russia heard anything other than “Our new weapons”.  So, is it true? Do the Russians have the edge now? Is this the next phase of a new arms race? Sadly, several large corporations in the West / US / are going to push that story on Capital Hill in DC and quickly as possible….. if they haven’t already done so.

               As I looked at the Tsar’s speech, I had to ask myself? Who was this “message” for? In the US, the absolute answer would be, “us”, but the Tsar is no fool. Was the message crafted as a response to Western attitudes towards Russia? Yes, but the West did have exclusive rights to the message. When Putin closes his eyes at night, does he truly fear the West or does he see visions of Dragons? His Master Plan is that of the Russian Empire and I do mean “Empire”! It’s greatest foe for the past sixty years seems to be sick and rotting from within. It’s time may be coming to a close. Is that old nemesis truly the threat to the future of Mother Russia? Or…………….is the Dragon’s gaze upon the riches of Siberia far more frightening than West realizes?  What really keeps the Tsar up at night? What vision come in his nightmares? The new Emperor continues to build his new road to world domination, lined with silk. The Tsar threatens an aging enemy. But…………… who was his “message” truly for?  We now have a Tsar, An Emperor and a Sultan. What’s next? Genghis Khan? One thing is a given. The words of a Hooker has the Western media star struck as the shadow of the Dragon glides over the Western skies. Who do you really fear Mr. Putin?