Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is the second time today I've seen a story about  Assad blaming Hariri of causing
unrest in Syria.

It may go right along with my theory of Iran needing a diversion event to get the world's eyes off of Syria.
It could be Assad's own idea to draw the attention of his own public away from the revolts and then again it may be true!!
The inspections along the Lebanon / Syrian border are a known fact as of today

 The concept of creating an external threat is a tactic Governments have use for thousands of years.
If you can get your public suddenly worried about some 'outsider' threatening their day to day lives, then they may stop directing their anger at their own government.
A Classic move that doesn't always work.   
If Syria really is worried about Lebanon, then Iran will have to give the green light for Syria to do anything about it.
Hezbollah is not a tool for Syria's disposal unless Iran gives its blessing.
If Iran chooses to execute it's 'distraction plan' with actions in Lebanon, then it will do so realizing the potential for Israeli intervention.
I am not sold Iran is ready for a potential conflict utilizing Hezbollah and Hamas and conflict in Lebanon would almost surely bring that about.
I've said this before and I will say it again; Hezbollah and Hamas were rebuilt by Iran for the primary purpose of a future conflict with Israel.
If Syria is about to be overcome by the ' Tunisian Virus', and I think they are, then Iran may have to rethink  how they employ the Hezbollah, Hamas weapons!.
Rumor has it he was in Saudi trying to secure his exodus to the Kingdom.

 Syria is in real trouble and Assad knows it.

 You have to wonder what his trip to Saudi was really all about?

I bet Iran has asked him already.
I'm not sure I buy that story just yet, but he may be getting a plan together.