Monday, March 19, 2018


So the Tsar was won yet another election? Shocker, right? Well, what seems to have “shocked” some is the fact most of the West didn’t seem to pay attention to the results. Now, everyone knows the results were a forgone conclusion, but the amount of time spent on the topic, other than the BBC and England, who has a bit of an “issue” going on with Putin, was truly minimal. So, is that it? The Tsar is in for at least another six years? Time to move on to the next topic? What shinny object will the news media turn towards now? Should we all just travel on or watch the Soap Opera called Washington DC? Not so fast my friends.

Less We Forget:

               The Master Plan! We cannot forget the Master Plan. As I’ve been saying for over ten years now, the Tsar has a vision of where Russia will be by the time his rule has come to an end. If he truly is on his Swan Song for leadership of the Fatherland, then you can bet the actions that need to take place will execute in the next six years, most likely sooner. This is not going to be a “Lame Duck” Tsar. This is not the beginning of calm waters. I would be willing to bet, the real hard work, the difficult events are also the culminating ones. A week before the election, I told one of my neighbors, “we will see the ‘real’ Putin after this election”. I said it and I believe it to be true.
               The US is nearing a crisis of government, perhaps a constitutional crisis and it’s a self-inflicted wound brought on by a political system that has succumbed to the lust for power. Without Term Limits the US is heading for a crisis that could tear the nation apart and no one understands this better than Mr. Putin. Remember, what was the most traumatic event in Putin’s life? The dramatic collapse of the Soviet Empire. Not only did he become a victim of this event, but he learned just how destructive they can be. He learned you don’t need a nuclear war to defeat a militarily superior enemy. You just need to sow the seeds of decay. You need to collapse the trust of the people; make them turn on each other. The Arab Spring was the latest example of this internal, social cancer and lessons were learned, but not in the US. The Tsar worked for the organization that was the master of this game. The KGB. The skills he was taught and the experience he lived with the fall of the Soviet Empire, have given him the tools needed to deal with his enemies without a battlefield. The Real Putin is coming. The Master Plan will soon become clearer to all who are paying attention. The Russian Bear is in the final phases of restoring the Russian Empire. There is only one problem. As the Bear fixates on the Eagle, the Dragon prepares to swoop in for the kill. Russian folklore has no stories of Dragons………………………not yet!!!!!!