Sunday, January 6, 2013


The buildup of Russian warships in the cease of the coast of Syria is nothing new.

Most perceive these actions are nothing more in the Russian government preparing to evacuate their citizens from Syria.

Having said that, a few well-placed comments here and there by Russian leaders can go a long way toward stirring the conspiracy theorist.

On Numerous occasions I have mentioned simple fact the Tsar sees Mort statement with Syria in just the Assad regime.

So, could the gathering of the ships and the, "exercise", be more about international politics in simple evacuation planning events?

The easy answer is, the actions of the Russians have multiple meanings and purposes as is the truth whenever major countries openly display their military might.

Assad's somewhat bold speech today was undoubtedly a byproduct of the Russian naval news.

You can be confident Assad's positioning in this speech was based upon the far more communications then just seeing Russian naval ships off of his coastline.

Last week allowed to talk about it around the potential of the Russians finally conceding on the issue of Assad's future.

Anyone takes public statements by the Russian government could face value, simply does not understand how the country works.

So, are the Russians hardening their stance on the Syrian issue or is this just another stage in the process of bringing the Syrian crisis to culmination?

The Russians truly positioning their Navy block ground operations or any other operations by the West in Syria?

I don't think anyone in the Department of Defense in the United States or in Europe believes this to be true.

Strategically speaking, Syria is nowhere near the level of importance that would have Russia taking such bold actions.

So, the reality is the Russians have most likely pre-positioned there evacuation force and in the meantime perhaps added a few additional ships and a few Carefully chosen words to give this operation a, "twofer"!!!

Assad and his followers understand implicitly the presence of a few Russian naval ships will not save his government from the rebel force  that now seems to be gaining advantages of all levels.

Somewhere in the middle of this Russian/Syrian exchange the true key player/partner has been overlooked.

The Iranians!

With so many formidable warships in the region it would not surprise me in the least to see the Iranians step off the front porch and beat their chest like a miniature bully knowing full well that their big brother is nearby.

Assad solved nothing today with his speech and he and his government know it!

As a side note, although Assad counts the Iraqi government in the friend column, increasing tensions inside of this, "friend", has to be seen as yet another distraction Assad desperately needs.

The Russian Navy issue will not be the news the week for the region.

The growing hostilities in Iraq, that is the news to pay attention to in the near future.

You can bet is news item number one for the Iranians!!