Thursday, May 15, 2014


Um… can you say military outpost?

Sure…. I knew you could.

Why, you might ask?

Well, if you did ask that question, I’m afraid you are way…way behind the power curve on current events.

Before we start taking about the Dragon building a military outpost in Filipino waters, at least from the Filipino perspective, we need to realize the PRC flag doesn't have to fly over this sandbar to get the point across.
What if this man made Island becomes nothing more than a oil rig work station.

Will it be manned by Chinese citizens?


Will the Filipino government have the never to move on this location?

I bet not.

Why not, remember the US has their back!!!!!

Ok, yes, that was as sarcastic comment.

Why is this happening now?

First off, don’t blame the Western disaster called policy on the Ukraine.

The Dragon had this plan in the mix far before the Tsar made is unassociated move on Europe.

Reality is right in front of us and some simply don’t want to see it, at least not before the 2014 elections in the US.

Operation Pacific Squeeze  is executing according to schedule and the Dragon has a detailed course of action for any response the Filipino government may come up with.

Here is what  I find ironic.

How long ago was the US President in the region talking up how “committed” the US was to their allies in the area?

Was this project underway by then?


Did Western Intelligence know about it?

I would hope so, but then again….well… I won’t comment.  

Did the US just chose to ignore the topic?

Well, would that not fit the pattern executed by the US for the past few years?

“We are here…by your side… through thick and thin….um… pay no attention to that outpost being built in your waters….. it’s nothing to be worried about.

Ah yes… The death of American Exceptionalism and the continued price the rest of the world must pay.

I hear there could be more oil off the cost of California than in the Gulf of Mexico.

I wonder how much longer before one of these Dragon outpost is constructed off the cost of San Francisco?