Thursday, March 20, 2014


If you search my postings for the word Tatars, you will see my comments from a two weeks ago on the pending threat of Jihadis entering the Ukrainian / Crimean event.

It turns out, the "Nafir" was announced just about the same time as my posting.

It also seems the age old saying of, " The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is also going to hold true, at least for now!

The pending alliance between Pravy Sektor and the radicals who will link up with the Tatars is probably a forgone conclusion.

The question becomes, did the Tsar and his planners anticipate this?

Can the Tsar use this as the predictable excuse to move further into the Ukraine?

His countries track record of dealing with such groups is less than stellar and all one has to do is look towards the Northern Caucasus to see my point.

If the Russians did build this scenario into their Master Plan, then the potential Tatar key players have long been Identified and when you are "identified" in Russia.. well we all know what that means.... There is no water boarding in Russia!!

That would lead me to ask one basic question!

Did any of the key members of the Tatars "disappear" prior to the actions in Crimea?

How long before we witness the first signs of " The resistance" in Crimea?

How will the Russians react?

Once again, we are back to my comment on how the Tsar, try as he may, cannot control every aspect of this crisis.

He may feel confident on controlling the West's actions, but the smaller, more radical Crazy Eddies... that is far different story.

Oh ya.. and if these Crazy   Eddie groups turn out to be can guess who the Tsar is going to blame for supporting them?

Hint.. Who did he blame in Libya?