Saturday, March 8, 2014


Two schools of thought continue to spin around the events in the Uraine and to me it all sounds like another version of the age old "what came first the Chicken or the Egg"?

Lavrov's theory, the official Russian stance, of the West provoking the events in Ukraine for the sake of drawing another of the old Soviet Territories into the European, Western, "influence" seems perfectly logical from their point of view.

The "West's" viewpoint that the people of Ukraine should be free to choose where the future of their county takes them is just as valid....well.... with the exception of a few post Arab Spring countries... "Go in the direction we would like you to head and we are good with it... go in the direction we don't support and well.... you know the rest...

So, the argument seems to center around, perceptions.

One side says, "You are out to box us in".

The other side says, "We are for the 'people'"!

Answer time!

Hogwash!... No offense to my Muslim friends:)

If the West is so happy to have Russia as a major economic player in the world, then why give the perception they are being "boxed in"?

Answer... It's not happening!!!!

It's not the true...

Nobody fears a 21st century version of the Russian Empire swallowing Europe.

What the West, particularly Europe fears is the Tsar!

The Western world, a world fatigued beyond measure from the War on Terrorism, fears the one issue it has no stomach for just now.... a new... powerful...aggressive world leader!

Short answer; The world doesn't fear Russia... the world fears Putin!

The first of the 21st century, and there will be others, Ultranationalist with an aggressive nature towards a Western world he no longer respects...... that is what we face as of today.

The crisis becomes overwhelming when the counterbalance to such a leader is a individual who  the Ultranationalist has absolutely no respect for.

In the end, this is not about the Ukraine.... It wasn't and isn't about Syria in Syria and it's not about Iran in Iran.

What we are facing today in 2014, is the reality that a long feared player on the world stage has decided; "now is my time... our time"...

Getting a few people to a table to talk about Kiev politics is not going to solve what is taking place here.

The world is changing and one man is forcing that change..

The dilemma for the "West" is done about it?