Thursday, February 7, 2013


Last week I failed to comment on the rather obvious move by Khaled Mashaal to try to out maneuver Abbas and Fatah.

When Mashaal stated he may run for President of the PA, I am sure Abbas was not amused.

So, what is the storyline here?

For all the talk of all the hard work taking place to "reconcile" Hamas and Fatah, it's all just hot air!!!!

The Palestinian cause suffers from the same issue it has suffered from for decades.......everyone wants to be the one in charge!!!

Nobody is really in this struggle for the true purpose of justice or homeland rights.

People like Mashaal and Abbas are like no different then all the rest.

Power... prestige and ego... 

In my opinion, the last person who really spoke from the standpoint of placing the Palestinian  people first was Hanan Mikhail Ashrawi.. and we all know what the zealots of Hamas and the more radical groups think of a "female" Spokesperson!!1

So, as the sideshow of " unity" continues in Cairo, a place that is a little preoccupied with their own " unity" issues right now, lets take a quick at what is lurking in the shadows of Gaza and the surrounding area.

The article below is an excellent read on the more radical elements hanging around the fringes of the whole PA movement.

I must admit, as I was reading this today, I couldn't help but be amazed just how many in the West are totally clueless on what is going on in the Middle East.

To think you could walk the streets of Gaza right now and see group after group proclaiming that Hamas is too liberal and too compromising is simply amazing.

Groups like Jaljalat would love nothing more than to toss out Hamas and then attack Fatah for the purpose of turning the Palestinian movement into an armed conflict with no talk whatsoever of compromise.

Yet, here in the West, we see one  beard on TV and we are ready to place everyone into the same bucket!!

Ok, disclaimer here... I don't believe for a single second Hamas is a legitimate organization; although some of us hope someday they might give it a try.... Just ask Jerry Adams and the IRA....

The problem is this; if the more rational groups such as Fatah and members of Hamas can't get to the same sheet of music, internally, then how does anyone rationally believe the whole movement is going to move forward anytime soon??????

I'm afraid the real concern needs to be the radical elements of the movement overtaking the somewhat rational members and plunging the region into a crisis.

Simply put, if Hamas and Fatah can't figure out how to show a unified front to the rest of the world, then those groups snipping at their feet are going to pull them down and the entire movement will be lost, perhaps for ever.

Keeping your "enemy" confused and off balance is a sound tactical practice, but that concept doesn't last forever and often it runs the risk of leading to a complete meltdown that becomes uncontrollable.

Abbas and Mashaal better get their collective acts together soon or the young Wolves at their doorstep are going to blow their house down!!!!