Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Well, as expected, the issue of Kurdistan has popped to the forefront once again.

And what do you ask has brought this issue back on to the international table?

If you guessed the crisis in Iraq, you win the prize.

As I said last week, did anyone really believe the conflict between the Sunni and the Shia would not be leveraged by the Kurds?

Imagine the Kurdish forces sitting just outside of Mosul and Kirkuk  watching, once again, the Arab Shia and the Arab Sunni killing each other; depleting both of their abilities to challenge a pending Kurdish push into the region of Iraq and Syria they claim as their own.

It’s the same vision they had when the conflict in Syria started and it’s the same vision they counted on when they struck a “deal” with the Turkish government; the same Turkish government that hopped moving the Kurds into Northern Syria would alleviate the pressure in Turkey.

From the beginning, lest say back in 2003, some predicted the inevitable breakup of Iraq into Sunni, Shia and Kurdish regions.

If anyone still doesn't believe this can take place, then please expound on why it will not happen?

Well, before everyone jumps on board the “ I told you so” train, remember what I explained just a few nights ago.

It’s one thing to destroy, kill and rejoice in “victory” by firing weapons into the air, but it’s a far different story when the partying is over and it’s time to build a functioning society.

Yes, the Kurds have an advantage in this process given the oil that just so happens to be under the ground they claim.

But, what of the Sunni and Shia areas of Iraq?

Can they actually function as a separate state?

Can this “vision” the Sunni fighting groups really come into existence?

Can the Shia areas of Iraq avoid being nothing more than a territory of Iran?

Yes, all three seem to have a vision of what they want Iraq to become, but is any of it achievable?

Does reality factor into the process at any point in the near future?

To the West lays what was once known as Syria.

To the North stands the nation that no one wishes to recognize; Kurdistan.

To the East stands the Persian Kingdom ordering Arabs to kill Arabs all in the name of the same religion.

And to the South; well….. That is just about all that is left of what was once called, “”The Middle East”!