Monday, February 27, 2012

Part Two:

A few weeks ago, I talked to the issue of how to defeat the killing machine run by the Al Assad dictatorship.

After talking with a few " friends" of the movement, I promissed I would address this process once again, with perhaps a few additional items of advice.

First, let me start by saying it is far easier to sit thousands of miles away and dictate how someone should place their life on the line for the sake of their families and their loved ones.

The old expression in the US is, "talk is cheap"!

It is for that reason I can only hope these words add value to those that are truly risking everything for freedom, a freedom that does not have a single definition.. it is not a Western concept... it is not a Eastern concept... it is not a political concept... it is the essences of being Human; thus those that suppress freedom are not human.

When I last spoke on the concept of defeating Al Assad's machine, I started with some very basic tenants of conflict that cannot be broken.

For the sake of clarity, I will go over them again before I move on to tactical issues.


1.  Never lose your sense of humanity. Do not brutalize anyone other than the armed enemy facing you, and when they drop their arms, show compassion at all cost; for this is the difference between what you are fighting and what you are fighting for.

2.  Never let someone join your cause that has their own agenda and if they do, show the world they are not with you but yet another element of suppressing  the path to freedom. Expose them!!!

3.  Never lie to the people you are trying to free!!!


Document any act of inhumanity and take the risk of bringing impartial observers, such as the media with you.

If your own people commit a " wrong" own it and show the world you will not allow it to continue. let it be documented and let the process of fixing it be documented as well. take the tool / weapon / of " accusations out of the hands of the Syrian Government. Tell the story before Al Alssad's supporters get the chance to shape the event.  again.... let a third party show how you owned the event and made changes to prevent it again. Hide nothing!!

  If you can prove Iranian support, do it at all cost and document it with a third party if at all possible.


1.  Never let them rest!!

            Never let the " rear" rest!!!  early in the morning, pre dawn!! Fast. and leave.

            Let there be no "peace", but limit the actions to those that are armed who face  you.

              When conducting operations to the rear, do not attack the unarmed and do not  allow others to do so.

2.  Know where you can hide after an attack and do so quickly. have an " exit plan".

3.  Keep attacks simple and spend little time planning them.

            the longer you take, the greater the risk it will be compromised

            As I said a few weeks ago, this calls for "specially trained members who trust each other.

4. Fight at night and never fight the armor at night.

            Fight the troops outside the armor that are defending them.

            If there is no one outside the armor defending it and you do not have the weapons to defeat the armor, then let it go. Do not lose valuable lives for the sake of heroics against armor.

5.  Pick fights near the border with Turkey or Jordan.

            Force these countries to worry about the Syrian actions.

            Hit and Run tactics that let these two nations realize how close the conflict is.

            Do not run to a safe zone in their countries unless you have casualties and then drop them off and leave.

            Show these two countries you are not hiding behind their borders and that you are willing to keep from drawing them into the conflict.....Win their minds by not making the media pressure them into action.

6.  When you capture an enemy, show compassion and document it as soon as possible.

7.  Turn some of them lose when possible and tell them they are not the enemy.. .Al Alssad and his followers are.  the word will spread like wild fire!!!!

Again, these are easy sometimes mindless comments from thousands of miles away, but they represent " ideas" that should be reviewed and modified to achieve the desired goal for the Syrian People.

Last but not least... be prepared to go this fight alone!!!!

Do not let anyone in to "help" that is not there to do anything other than free the Syrian people and be prepared for Iran to wage a war on your ground if needed.

If Iran does, let them.. .this will unite the Syrian people and Al Alssad will fall!

Never...Ever.... lose your compassion for others... You enemy is only an enemy until you convince them not to be one!!!

As soon as that happens.. your hand much reach out... You must take the risk!!!