Sunday, August 31, 2014


For several months now, these two stories have remained at the top of the media food chart.

Yes, the events in Israel temporarily became the shiny object media crows gazed upon, but the significance of the major two topics allows them to rise right back to the top time and time again.

So, what is the difference?

Why are these two stories more than just news sound bites?

Why do they continue to haunt those Western World Leaders to the point of admitting they “don’t have a strategy at this time”?

The answer is not complex and it’s not truly even debatable.

Last week, I spoke to an issue I’ve visited several time in the past few years.


The loss of “Resolve” stacked on top of a deliberate movement to kill American Exceptionalism.

The crisis in the Ukraine and the Islamic State movement are both perpetuated by the lack of resolve in the West. 

Now, I could talk all day as to how this collapse of world leadership, deliberate collapse, has pushed civilized people to the brink of social breakdown, but that would prevent me from striking at the heart of the issue.

You see, this lack of resolve was not by accident.

It is not the byproduct of a cunning adversary, although, I will admit there are those who were perfectly positioned to exploit the death of resolve.

So what happened?

What triggered this breakdown in world leadership?

Perhaps a perfect Cocktail was the issue?

A Cocktail contrived from a blend of modern Progressive thinking, Socialist philosophies towards economic status and the two very important ingredients, social media and the World Wide Web!

The recognized world leader in times of trouble, the US, in 2009, has a new leader stand up and say to the world, ‘ we should no longer lead…. We should be just another member of the collective’!

What consequences did this change have for the world?

Was the Pandora’s Box opened with untold, unmanageable results?

In my opinion, yes!

I could go on and on about this historical collapse in world leadership, but it would only sound like Bashing and we all know if you don’t agree with DC, you are “Bashing”.

So, in order not to sound like a Basher, let me address what most likely is a far more important point than realizing how this happened.

How do we “fix” this, or is this Humpty Dumpty all over again?

Yesterday, a certain person said to me, “well the President is striking Islamic State Forces”, they actually said ISIL forces not realizing none of them go by that name anymore, “and that shows he is not as reckless as GW was”!


A great philosopher once said, individuals are smart, but masses are ignorant!

Well, this person proved that theory doesn’t always hold true.

Anyone with the qualifications of watching at least one war movie knows limited air strikes will not change the course of a movement.

In the case of the Islamic State Forces, it may make matters worse; just ask Lebanon!

And how does the world view these “limited strikes”?

Simply put, they are doing more harm than good.

Does the world perceive this as “taking action”?


Does the world see this as a political stunt?


Does that anger DC?

Oh ya!

Does it impact the tactics of IS?


Bottom line, is it doing harm or good?

Most likely it’s accomplishing nothing, with the exception of million dollar flight missions to take about 150 dollar trucks.

To be honest, did these missions alter the actions of the IS forces?
Perhaps, but allowing them to freely maneuver the countryside and head to the next potential target is not a “strategy”… there is no strategy in Iraq or Syria, period!

The Ukraine:

Where in the world is this leading?

What is Europe willing to?

Like the GCC countries, the Europeans understand the US will talk from the front, but watch from the rear.

A Western world that is truly leaderless!

In the Tsar’s wildest dreams, it couldn’t have turned out any better than this.

And now a historically, classic response from Europe!

A one week ultimatum!

Do any of them believe this will work?


So why did they do it?


They are desperate to show their societies some level of….. You guessed it….. RESOLVE!

We will see the Tsar’s response over the next few days and I’m willing to bet, it will not be good news for Europe.


Is there one?

How does the West restore “Resolve” in a world pushing them to the edge?

Oh by the way, I’ll leave the Dragon out of this conversation!

Well; the buzz word of 2008 and 2009 may be the key!

I remember the day Ronald Reagan won the elections in the US.

I remember people saying, pride was returning to the US.

I remember the Iranian suddenly figuring out a way to end the Hostage Crisis.

I remember Ronald Reagan standing in Germany and saying, “tear down this wall”!

I remember people saying, “ he is a madman and is pushing the world to the edge of nuclear war”!

I remember the reemergence of “RESOLVE”!

Was it dangerous?


Was it even reckless?


Did the US or the West have a choice?


A political system that truly is functional has a pattern of cyclic elections.

Having said this, here is my warning.

It is a law of physics that all things that depend on viscosity can reach a point of failure!

Modern society, modern economic networks, world wide networks, depend on viscosity!

That viscosity is founded in human belief.

The belief that things will be ok, or that bad times will go away.

In a world of social media and constant communications that viscosity comes under attack every day.

The slipping point if reached, cannot be saved by one election.

The Western world must hope for resolve to return.

If must hold on until the 2016 elections in the only country able to lead the alliance back to stability.
If this return of resolve doesn’t take place in 2016, if viscosity fails before that, then some other force will have to save the economic engine of the West!

Who has a vital interest in that engine?

Ah yes…. The Dragon!