Friday, January 25, 2013


Back in September of 2012, actually several times before that, I posed a "what if" question.

As the events of the past few months have continued to unfold, I thought now might be a good time to update my "what if" question!

Now, I know the probability formulary is the most important factor when we consider a " what if" question given that determines just how much time and energy should be put into figuring out the 'what if"!!!!

But, as I stated back in September, let's just play the game without the weighted category of probability.

Ok, let's get started....

Lets say for the sake of argument the Chinese are really fedup with dealing with the whole North Korea / South Korea issue.

Lets say the Chinese have come to the conclusion if the Korean Peninsula issue was "off the table / dealt with/ the excuse for the Western Military presence in that part of the Pasific would be much harder to defend in the court of world opinion.

Lets assume the Chinese feel as if they can no longer dictate the actions of North Korea and the added tensions over territorial control for the whole region was more important to them than wasting time and energy on a topic that seems hopeless.

Simply put, "what if" China just basically said, " so what.... what does it matter" or "We give up....Inshallah" or the Chinese version of this... given they are a Godless Country!!!

What if their frustration over the whole China Sea issue put them in a position of letting North Korea go its own destructive way?

Remember, we are leaving the " probability" part of this question out.... yes I know the whole theory of China not wanting millions of starving North Koreans walking into China.... lets just drive on for a minute.

Ok, so let's assume China sees the events in Mali and Lybia as just a smoke screen for the West to block further advancements by China in the mineral rich lands  of Africa...

Let's assume we have a China that is becoming more and more concerned with social stability to the point of paranoia.

So, let's see.... we have Territorial rights issues ////// "containment" issues/// Social issues and a crazy neighbor that is the main reason your adversary uses as an excuse to keep a formidable military at your doorstep.

Gee... China is just gong to ignore all these issues right.. for the sake of selling cheap toys to the West????

Before we move on, read the link below. Oh.. by the way... "The Global Times" is all but run by the Chinese Government. read on!!!

Ok, back to the September 2012 point I made...

Lets assume China knows full well our capability to deal with North Korea and Iran simultaneously is a feat that would drive the Western economy into the ditch.

Let's assume a nation of people who plan events based on fifty years or more weighs all the issues listed above and decides the damage / recovery from a simultaneous conflict... one they could stay out of all together.. is worth the risk..

Let's cut to the chase now.

If China decides to counter the West's effort to " contain" China how might they do that?

Could it involve a crazy neighbor they have all but given up on, or is it time to use that crazy neighbor to your advantage.....finally?

Could China instigate an event with Iran.... I hope we all believe the answer here!!!

2013 is not a year where we can afford to fixate on one issue such as Iran... Arab Springs... Islamic Fundamentalist in Africa...

Eyes wide open!!!

All options on the table.. and my most favorite line from " The Untouchables".. What are you prepared to do about it"?????

I hope we are there!!!