Tuesday, March 29, 2011


It appears not only does the 'Tunisian Virus' seem to infect at an amazing speed, but it seems to make the 'host' follow the same useless preventive steps.
Syria announcing it's Government has stepped down today is somewhat comparable to a Mayor in Nazi Germany declaring he is leaving an Hitler saying "everything is good now". WOW. . Did I just compare Syria to Nazi Germany?? Yep... You bet!!! If the shoe fits, wear it!!!
Look at the order of events in the past two months.
            1. The infected nation declares assemblies to protest are not authorized.
            2.  When that doesn't work, they announce, "REFORMS"!! Right!!!
            3.  When that doesn't work, they announce key members of the government stepping                 down or being replaced.
            4.  When that doesn't work, they announce the ' incentives for the public like cold hard cash in the poor's pockets.
            5. And Finally, they announce the pending bloodshed or the proverbial 'Civil War' threat.
If you look at Syria, they have accomplished steps, 1,2 and 3.
I don't know they may just skip 4 given the money issues in Syria. Number 4 seems to be a trick for the OPEC states.
So, Look for step 5 from Syria in the next few days.
Don't forget what I have been preaching over and over again.
Syria and their 'Master' Iran may add a twist to step 5 by cooking off an event somewhere else.
It could be that Bahrain is about to pop back on the radar.