Monday, August 11, 2014


Ok, once again, it’s time for a quick sanity check.

Arms to the Kurds…. The Kurds we abandoned at the end of Desert Storm.. Remember?

Arms to the Kurds…. The Enemy of our NATO member ….Turkey… you know… the new Sultans’ base for supporting the Islamic State forces?

Attacks on the Islamic State forces.. You know.. the same forces Assad is fighting to keep Syria…. Supporting Assad???? Yep that’s how some in the region see it!

Supporting the replacement for Maliki.. the Maliki the West supported and takes orders from Iran… ya… that Maliki.

Attacking the Islamic State forces trying to topple Maliki?

Forget getting a scorecard…. Just get a bottle… place it on the table and spin it……

That is the process taking place in the US Department of State right now.

And right in the middle of all of this, Sisi meets with the Tsar!

I can just imagine how that conversation went.

Remember; Maliki’s steam is in Tehran and the link between Moscow and Tehran is far more complex than many realize.

Why would the Tsar want anything to go the way the West would like it right now?

3 Billion in military aid is a strong bait for the Tsar to hang in front of Sisi.

Yes folks………… the backroom card deals are becoming more and more complex and I have to wonder who on the Western team is up to the siting at the table?

Next move….. My bet it belongs to Maliki!