Saturday, July 23, 2011


The week ahead has one common theme, a theme that has been going on for several months now.

The Drive of the Muslim Brotherhood for dominance in the Middle East and beyond!

Three of the four attached articles have ties to the efforts and desires of the MB.

The fourth is just as interesting as the other three and deals with Israel’s desperate actions to negate the Iranian nuclear program.


If the US really did have a sit-down with the King of Jordan, then I am sure the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood and the impact of a collapsed Syria would have been discussed.

The concept of Jordan’s leader having to make concessions is common knowledge to everyone who has been paying attention to the Middle East for the last six months.

The real question becomes, especially from the King’s perspective, is that going to be enough?

Setting up elections that will obviously benefit the MB, or in this case the JMB, is the only end result  the MB will settle for.

These are the ‘ground rules’ the MB set up for Egypt.

These will be the rules the SMB will set up for Syria.

These will be the ground rules for any government the MB brings down in the Middle East or North Africa.

Now I know some will jump up and make the same old worn out statement, “ the MB is not the MB of old”, or they will react with, “ the MB only represents a small proportion of the potential voting populous… bla… bla…. Bla…”

I don’t buy it and most of us who have been watching the Middle East for a long time don’t buy it ether.

The MB is the backbone of the Arab Spring now, and that may not sit well with the liberal, academia world.
Knowing all of this, the King of Jordan is about to make the most basic of mistakes and thereby play right into the hands of the MB.

He will insist that ‘change’ must take place slowly and only after deliberate, detailed planning.

We all know how this game is played now, when this approach is taken by entrenched governments.

As for Jordan and the issue of joining the GCC, I would strongly suggest the King find a way to make this happen sooner rather than he probably would like.

Saudi has reached out to Jordan for a reason, but who knows how long that will last.

As soon as the Saudi’s see the King of Jordan beginning to slip into the same reactionary mode all the others have done, they may change their minds.

As has always been the case, there is strength in numbers and Jordan joining the GCC fits that concept.

So, Is Jordan in as much trouble as the article states?

The only answer to that question that matters is the King’s answer.

Does trouble in Jordan equate into future trouble for Israel and the PA issue?


I said this way back in February.

The ‘end state’ of the Arab Spring / Tunisian Virus / is violence in Israel and potentially a Regional War.   


This article absolutely nails the issue at hand, but just spends way too much academic babble making the point.

Saudi is simply getting ready to appear as if they are simply enforcing ‘existing’ laws when the Arab Spring comes to Saudi.

It is a complete waste of time and will do nothing for the ‘hearts and minds’ campaign the Saudis so desperately need to win.

As a matter of fact, the feeble attempt to get such foolish laws on the books is a real indicator of just how entrenched Saudi is and will continue to be.

Saudi, Like Iran, will be slow to have the movement take roots inside the country, but it will happen and when it does, over aggressive ‘ laws’ will not save the government.

To put it simply, the laws this article talks about going to do nothing more than paint a picture of a desperate government that is paranoid beyond belief.

Oh ya.. … They are….

So, how does the MB play into this picture of Saudi’s future?

In reality, it will be no different than their actions in Eygpt, Syria, Jordan ect… ect..
They will set the ‘terms’ of change and those terms will be based on the values of the hardliners in Saudi.

Now; most would argue the hardliners already call many of the shots in Saudi.

The problem is, in their minds, it’s not good enough.

The King and the “Royals” are known for being too chummy with the West and that will be a huge part of their negotiation for “change”.

Moving Saudi to the far… far.. right.. is the goal and the King or his family can not survive such an event.

Now, like Egypt and Tunisia and Syria and Jordan, the MB will let the free thinking liberal Academics do all the hard…. Violent… bloody work and then sweep in to pick up the pieces.

Oh ya.. Ad Yemen to that list as well.

So, the short answer on the new Saudi ‘laws’; they simply show how out of touch Saudi is.

By the way, I find it interesting some say the King is taking such a hard stand on the Arab Spring issue to show the conservative religious leaders in his country how hard he is working to keep the movement from disrupting Saudi.

It’s that movement the MB is counting on…


I talked about this latest round of protest in Egypt several times this week, but let me drive home the basic theme.

It’s the MB!!!!!


Do I sound Muslim Brotherhood Phobic yet?

I really hope so.

Let me remind everyone what the purpose of this latest round of violence is really all about.

Broken record time now I know!!!

The MB needs continued near anarchy in order to reach it’s next phase of the ‘ Master Plan’.

The people of Egypt must lose confidence in the military’s ability to keep the government / revolution / moving forward.

The MB may talk as if they support the Egyptian Military, but that will come to an end at the right moment in time.

With over eighty million people growing tired of Egypt sitting in a pool of  social and economic quicksand, the concept of someone or some party leading them out of the ditch and back to the ‘ Greatness” Egypt once was is a powerful tool.

The MB has and still plans on being that “ tool” for the people of Egypt.

Everyday, there is some MB talking head on Al Jazeera spouting out the same party line.

“ The people of Egypt must be heard”!!!

What’s the old line, “ The greater the lie, the more often you must tell it”.

If you could sneak into the ‘war room’ of the MB and see the “ Master Plan” timeline, I bet it would show they are right on track.

If the Egyptian Military changes anything about the pending elections, the MB will turn on them with a vengeance.

They are close to doing so now and the Egyptian Military knows it.

Egypt is not out of the danger zone by any stretch of the imagination, but the MB has just about everything going their way even when it doesn’t look so.

As a matter of fact, that is exactly what they want.

They want to remain mostly off the radar, but in control of the radar.

P.S; I still get a kick out of seeing some of them wearing baseball caps!!!

Gee.. they look like such nice, understanding guys…

The “reformist” movement within their ranks must really be making headway; said Little Red Ridding Hood to the Wolf.


Ok; here is the one article that doesn’t have the MB as the sinister center of attention..

As a matter of fact, this article relates to the one topic that could knock the whole MB
“ Master Plan” right off the map with little or no warning; although in the rubble of a regional war, I am confident the MB would be ready to stand up as the savior of the Arab / Muslim world… minus the smoldering hole that use to be called Iran.

If you were a Police Detective and you were assigned to figure out what happened to this Iranian Nuclear Scientist, what would be your first action?

If your answer was not, “I would investigate the Security detail assigned to this top government employee”, YOU ARE FIRED!!!

Before I even begin to talk about why this has happened, hint … a short conversation, I think we need to look at the complete inability of the Iranian Security Service to protect these individuals.

Remember the old saying, “fool me once shame on you…. Fool me twice … shame on me”..

Well, how about ‘Fool me four times?

I only hope the security around their plants is better than the ring of defense they place around their top scientific minds.

On the other hand, how good is good?

Lets not be foolish here.

The ability of the Iranian security detail to prevent the Israelis from killing key figures in Iran is non existent.

The Mosad is second to none when it comes to this type of mission.

Having said that, can anyone imagine the phone call to the Iranian leadership letting them know what had happened?

Where do you think the head of security for this detail is as of tonight?

Swimming with the fishes???

Ok, lets accept the complete ineptness of the Iranian security detachments.

Lets look at what this killing means.

The message sent by Israel here is crysital clear, not just to Iran, but to Russia and China as well.

Nothing is off the table when it comes to preventing Iran from obtaining nukes.

Now, as an after thought; can you imagine being one of the key nuclear scientists left in Iran?

Who starts your car?

Who test your food?

Do you ever stop at a stop light again?

How do you feel about the so called security detail assigned to keep you and your family safe?

Psychological Warfare at it’s finest.

What impact this has on the overall status of the nuclear program is a good question.

How does Iran respond is even a better question?

I have to wonder, how many of these really smart scientist are left in Iran?

Perhaps when we see a ‘ found dead’ North Korean or Pakistanian   smart guy in or out of Iran, we will begin to see our answer.

I am sure of one thing.

It doesn’t matter who is helping them and it doesn’t matter where they are.

If Israel decides they must die in order to keep the Iranian government from getting nukes, then someone is going to end up dead.

All right, what should we look for this week?

Syria is and will remain the hot topic for this week.

Defections and rumors of defections are continuing to grow.

Where there is smoke… there is fire.

The firefight inside the Military Academy is not just a rumor.

If defection is an issue inside a organization this close to the Assad government, then that “smoke’ is about to burst through and turn into visible flames.

Add to that the continuing reports of sectarian violence and Syria continues to fly apart.

The question remains, as it has for months, what does Iran do to keep it from happening?

Old answers I know, but the problems of the Middle East are not changing.

What is changing is the anger and desperation of the people living there.