Friday, June 14, 2019


   Six ships in one month and what has been the response from the nation that stated it better not happen? In the game of “bluff” who is winning? My answer, the Mullahs, that’s who. Now, Does the US need another Iraq/ Afghanistan event? Only if you are part of the Military Industrial Complex should the answer be, “yes”. But, and this is a huge but, the US has a huge and I mean huge problem. The Obama administration set into motion a series out events on a global scale all based upon declaring a “redline” and then doing nothing. Yes, he tried to show he came to an agreement with Moscow and that was the basis for failing to strike when he warned he would, but the world never accepted that excuse. Well, folks, the US is repeating that same mistake. First and foremost, a nation cannons Twitter  it’s way around a crisis. I’m not sure the old men in Tehran even know how to sign on to a twitter account. I will tell you what they do know. They understand they have openly attacked 6 ships in the Straits of Hormuz, just as they warned they would, and absolutely nothing has happened, at least not a level the common person on the street can see. If we accept this status of events, then we need to anticipate what may come next and that is the purpose of this post.


   Why are the old men in Tehran desperate enough to risk the actions they have taken? Has the US  pressured them to the point they are in a corner and see no way out? Well, if not, they are very.....very close.  Does a majority of their public see them as a thing of the passed, an oppressive past? Yes. Is the Bromance with the Russians over? If you know me, you know I’m convinced there never was such a thing. Are things sliding down hill fast for the tyrants who have terrorized the people of Iran for the past forty years? Yes. Here comes the real issue in this event!  Are they banking on the fact that The Donald is so unpopular, so under siege by his own country that he is powerless to strike at them for their actions? In their minds I believe they do. Think about it. When the attack on the two ships took place yesterday, the story CNN ran was how the US Secretary of State was blaming Iran “ without any proof”. Then, a few hours later, CNN had to east it’s words, as it often does, when it admitted the US Navy had video, “allegedly” ....yep they still couldn’t give in... that showed Iranian forces removing a device from the side of one of the ships. Again, do the old men in Tehran believe the US is unwilling to take action? Yes.....yes they do. Can the US defend the Straits? With one message from the President / Commander in Chief, the Iranian Military would find out.


   Folks. The US is in a perception war with Tehran and Tehran is beating the US upside the head. How damaging is this reality in other matters around the world? We can only speculate, but I will tell you this history shows us that when perception is won, the next event is desperation. The perception war with the Mullahs has the US backed into a corner. Not the same economic corner the Mullahs find themselves in, but one that may be just as bad. A perception corner heading into a Presidential election cycle. You see, once that cycle starts in the US, it’s as if everything else just falls to the wayside. To make matters worse, I am still convinced the big sit down in Bahrain is priority # 1 for Team Trump. Boy Wonder, the Son in Law, has to have his day and that day will come in Bahrain. Here comes the bad news. That sit down is something the Mullah cannot allow to take place. In reality, it’s another nail in their coffin. Okay, I’ve complained enough about what the US is doing wrong. Let me give you my opinion of what should happen and trust me, something needs to happen soon.


   Yesterday, I posted a podcast. .... yep.. I’m expanding my horizons:)..... in that podcast I concentrated on how the briefing on this latest attack was prepared and briefed to the US President. I talked about what people can look for as indicators of what may be happening next and thus prevent them from listing to the pay as you talk ..talking heads on the major news networks.  What I didn’t cover was what should happen. I deliberately took that approach so I could cover that issue in more detail on my blog. So, here you go.

   As soon as the PODUS briefing was over, the “batphone” should have buzzed in Moscow and here is what should have been said. “ Vlad. How are you? Look we and I do mean we, have a problem. That problem is one of your puppets, Iran. Now, I get it you have used them to make trouble for the US and I get it your are upset of the expansion of NATO into your old Buffer Zone, but, I am here to tell you, I have had enough with the Mullahs in Tehran. I also know you are growing tired of them as well, hell... they have militias shooting at your troops in Syria. Now, you and I could talk all day about this puppet issue, but I need you to do something for me before This all gets way ...way out of hand. The way I see it, we have two options. 1. You do what you do best and have the Mullahs sleeping with the fishes soon and then pick  new leadership for Iran. We get the Palestinian issue back on the table and I promise I’ll get the Israelis to sit down and listen or ....2.  I need you to move your forces and equipment away from any and all IRGC  / Al-Qud forces in Syria and Iraq and you know why I will need you to do that. Look, we can keep this from getting worse, be we don’t have a great deal of time. Ive been on the phone with the young Prince in Saudi and we are close to that young man making a dramatic mistake. You and I don’t need a region war that ends up with our economies damaged and I don’t want another Iraq or Afghanistan. If I have to do this, we are in an out, no ground troops, no ‘nation state building’ and I don’t even care about regime change. But, I will send a message to the leadership of the Iranian military that the future of their nation rest with their desire to continue to follow the idiots in Tehran or not. Here are my final thoughts my friend. If you truly want to back thee current government in Tehran, then this could easily get way out of hand. So, let’s help each other find a way out of this mess and I will guarantee you we will sit down and talk about your concerns as soon as it’s over and I think I know what they are. I have to go now. I have to prepare incase you don’t agree with my two options. I need your answer within the next few days. I hope we talk very....very...soon”.

   Sound crazy? That was how things were done back in the days of Ronald Reagan. That was how things got done and you know worked. Look. The US is getting beat in the perception war with the Mullahs and as soon as the Mullahs see the Democrats and the mainstream media turn this into a 2020 issue, it’s going to get worse.....much ....much worse. We need a Reagan moment and we need it soon.

Self promotion time:

   My new podcast site.

Check it out !!!!