Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Well, it's becoming more and more clear the use of the world "democratic" in Egypt is spelled.... ISLAMIC LAW!

If you remember way back when... I initially framed the Muslim Brotherhood as the slow version of cancer.

If you're not paying attention or you just simply ignore the warning signs, you wake up one day to have the Doctor say, "There is nothing we can do".

That day is still coming for the Western World's relationship with Egypt, but it's still coming.

Not only is the MB slow in its quest to shape the region to its liking, it has no problem deceiving anyone and everyone it needs to in order to achieve this goal.

A point I also made over two years ago.

As the Islamist quickly places the finishing touches to the new Constitution, the next set of, "what a minute.. that isn't what you said a few months ago".... issues will come to the forefront.

Oh ya.. It's about time Jimmy Carter step into the "Home" and watch reruns of Gun Smoke!!!

Don't be surprised if the new Constitution has "changes" to the issues of Women's rights... and Religious freedoms all in the name of " The People".. the crutch the MB leans on when someone questions the MB.

Perhaps it's time we lend a little "support" to those who are willing to make life more difficult for the MB?

That might take a change in leadership in other parts of the world, but that might happen in about two weeks.

At some point in time, the World has to realize the MB is part of the problem and not part of the solution.