Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Well, the facts may be the first casulty of this story and in the Middle East and Politics that is usually the case, but lets look at what is being said in this article.

Does any believe for a minute the IDF would allow the Egyptian military to enter Gaza airspace without IDF approval?

So, for the sake of argument, lets assume...just assume. there is some level of truth to this seemingly outrageous allegation.

Why would the Israeli government even contemplate such an event?

Let's take a stab at that question.

It's no mystery the Sinai is a hotbed of potential unrest for Egypt.

It's also doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize who may have run back into the safety zone of Gaza as the Muslim Brotherhood was being disassembled.

And finally, it's clear as much as Hamas would like to make everyone believe they control Gaza, they simply do not; at least not at a level that keeps "others" from bedding down there.

Who would run to Gaza you might ask?

Does anyone think there is not a radical faction of the MB?

Does anyone truly believe AQ and other Islamic Radicals would not retreat from a well advertised, pending ground operation in the Sinai by the Egyptian military?

And just where would they "retreat" to?

Yep... Gaza... by tunnel of course!

Why does anyone think the Egyptian military attempted to seal off the tunnels they knew were used by these groups prior to any pending op in the Sinai?

Ok, lets move on and take a look at why Hamas would be shouting from the rooftops about Egypt.

First off, they are probably convinced the story of the Egyptian military working hand in hand with the IDF; given it has happened for years!

Now, let's insert the Fatah factor to this story.

Would Fatah love to see the military arm of Hamas take a beating at the hands of the Egyptian military?

Perhaps, but the idea of Hamas being seen as unable to control Gaza meets the needs of Fatah just as well.

It's the story of Hamas bringing pain to the people of Gaza that Fatah is looking for and over the past two weeks or so, that story has gained traction with each passing day.

So, what is missing from the "story"?

If you said, " no talk of the IDF and the Egyptian military working together", you would be right on the mark.

Why not?

Why no mention of this implied "Alliance"?

Can Hamas stand to paint Egypt as an enemy?

Can Hamas tell a story of the Egyptian military being pro Zionist?

So, what purpose does this story really provide and who does it proved it to?

Notice at the end of the article, the comment is made by Yusef, that Hamas should strive to seek "reconciliation" with Fatah and do so as soon as possible?

Who would that possibly benifit?

Did you guess Fatah?

Well, if you did and you based that on the fact that Abbas is right in the middle of trying to restart the peace talks with Israel, then you are thinking at a much higher level than most brain dead journalist.

Would the IDF allow Egypt to fly over Gaza?


If Egypt is about to attempt to regain control of the Sinai, then knowing what might come after them without making the IDF get involved is a sound strategic concept.

Its obvious the "message" of flyover is being heard by Hamas and that message is, "you  better not stick your fingers into the Sinai and the actions that are about to take place there".

It's easy to see Hamas has had real bad month and it appears it's only going to get worse.

Can the Egyptian Military occupy Gaza?

An Egyptian "Peace Keeping Force" in Gaza with Israeli concurrence, wouldn't that just drive the Islamic Fundamentalist wild!!!!

Lets see what happens and remember; it's never boring in the Middle East.