Sunday, April 28, 2013


Ahmadinejad's "statement" today was more than just a reminder of Iran's commitment to Assad; it was a veiled threat.

With all the talk of what should the West do about the alleged WMD utilization in Syria, this timely statement from Iran was directed to those making decisions.

What's interesting is the concept of Iranian leadership possibly assuming those Western decision makers had forgotten such a vital point.

In fact, I'm confident Iran did not assume this loss of reality, but simply believed a well timed statement might reinforce a final vote of indecisiveness.

Sometimes, the best moment in time to influence a decision is just before you believe that decision is about to be made.

Timing!!!! A critical tool in the art of international politics.

I'm not going to enter the endless debate of "what should the West do and what are the repercussions if they do or don't do 'something'?

Here is a simple and in my opinion undeniable fact.

Syria and the status of Assad / the Shia government / is vital to Iran.

The fall of Assad and his government is a classic example of " A clear and Present Danger" to the Iranian government.

Of all the issues that must be weighted before the West responds to the possible, probable. use of WMDs in Syria, this Clear and Present Danger fact absolutely carries the greatest amount of value.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't!!!

The issue becomes, you must chose one version of "damned"!!!