Thursday, May 30, 2013


Rumors today, and admittedly they are just that 'rumors', that Hezbollah has ordered Hamas out of Lebanon are just the kind of acts that can ignite an even larger fire.
I don't put any stock into this statement being true, but perhaps indirectly.

Even if this statement is not factual, the issue is undeniable.

I've said it before and I will say it again.

Hezbollah has made a catastrophic mistake with it's actions in Syria.

Let me give you another perfect example of why this is true.

When the killings started in Syria and the Shia were more than willing to watch Sunni families leave Syria into Lebanon, where did they think they would go?

Well, the answer is a large portion of them entered the Palestinian refugee camps.

So, where did the Nasra "trainers / organizers / show up?

Yep.... the camps...

And what was the purpose of training the willing in these camps?

Yep... to fight in Syria oh and by the way... they are ready to now fight in Lebanon on Hezbollah ground...

Yes.. the conflict in Syria provided a militia environment for the Sunni groups to leverage and that is exactly what they are going to do.

When I talked of the issue of opening "second fronts"  Lebanon and Iraq, Hezbollah must have completely forgotten who was filling the camps in Lebanon.

Ok.........who has a great deal of influence in these camps?

Yep... Hamas!!

So, Is Hezbollah desperate to get Hamas out of the mix in Lebanon?


Hezbollah has allowed their enemy to build a force right next-door to their own base and that is an issue that will not go over well with their supporters.

Imagine a Hezbollah supporting Mother being told her daughters and small children are going to go virtually unprotected because their husbands and Son are off fighting the Persian battle in Syria.

Good luck selling that one for any period of time.

Oh... and good luck trying to disengage Hezbollah forces to react to the pending hit and run attacks in the home front.

Hold on... Dig in..... fall back if needed... give ground at a high price to the enemy!!!!

That is the battle plan for the Sunni fighters in Syria right now.

At the same time, make the home front for Hezbollah unlivable.

Force Hezbollah to abandon Assad and secure the very homes they come from.

It's going to be bloody and it will work!!!

Then the most important question of all comes into play.

What do the Persians do about it?

Oh.. and for those of you who say the Lebanese military will deal with the Sunni groups coming out of the camps.......please..... get a better answer than that!!!