Friday, March 2, 2018


Woke up this morning to read yet another story about the antics of Mr. Soros. You know, the guy who believes in his vision for the world’s future and to Hell with the will of the majorities. Sputnik depiction of Soros attempts to bring down Netanyahu cannot be brushed away as just another example of Moscow’s controlled media. The fact is, it completely logical Mr. Soros would despise a man like Netanyahu. Ultra conservative……believes in the safety of his nation first………. Not willing to live in a world of no boundaries, a vision the old man Soros dreams of. Remember, Soros is your typical Progressive Liberal, Socialist……………………….. He believes in the redistribution of wealth, just not his wealth. Yes, he “gives away money”. No, he doesn’t “give” it away. He spends his money on his dream, his dream of a world the way he wants it. So, he’s not “giving away’ his money. He is investing in his world’s future.

The Double Standard:
               To the Progressive Left, Mr. Soros is a champion of social justice. His actions are justified given his desire is the wellbeing of the “common man”. By the way, don’t try to step onto the grounds of his Estate or the Thugs that work there will beat you into a bloody puddle. To the left, no actions by this man are out of bounds. His interference in the actions of other nations is justified, to include stoking people to violence and death. Just take a look at his fingerprints in Ukraine, if you know how.  In the eyes of the US mainstream media, he is a giant! Yes, he owns the Democratic party, but only the people he knows can actually influence and support his vision. The Clintons are a great example. Search CNN and MSNBC and see if you can ever find a negative story about Soros? Why not? He’s a European, White Entitled, 1 percenter? Why is he not the focus of every possible negative story? He has far more money that that evil Billionaire in the White House? Where is the dogged determination to hunt down everything he has ever said to anyone? You know………….where is the Trump treatment?  Well. We all know why? He’s one of their champions, that’s why. Like Obama, he not only gets a pass, he gets blind loyalty.

The Dangers of Old Men:

               How many heartbeats does Mr. Soros have left? Does he have a plan in place to continue his global vision of no borders? Can the institutions that he supports continue without him? Has he built funding streams to keep is vision alive? Oh ya. About his funding. Have you ever read on how he made his fortune? How many people did he ruin to become wealthy? Just ask the Russians and the English.  But, that’s okay. He means well for the little man. What a great cover story only a good deviant come up with. Soros is out to bring down Trump, Putin, Netanyahu and others. Why? Because they are in the way of his vision of the world’s future. What will become of this man and his global drive for world order? What he envisions is not a vision at all. It’s a hallucination. A hallucination that is well funded, but with limited support. Soros’ has and is creating tensions in the world he most likely won’t live long enough to see the true ramifications of his actions. Perhaps he is a peace with that fact. Perhaps just knowing he has upset the flow of events is enough for him. In the end, he’s just a bitter Oldman who is still angry over the events in home country. First it was the Germans who ruined his life and then the Soviets. He’s live inside a dream / hallucination / for decades and the problems he has caused are all just prices that must be paid to reach his dream. Is he crazy? Crazy like a fox perhaps. Does he have boundaries? He’s crossed swords with Putin and Trump and Netanyahu, so you have to admit, his boundaries are rather large.  One thing is for sure. He is the darling of the left in the US and the God Father of the Democratic Party and you will never….ever….see a negative story about him on CNN or MSNBC.