Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Evo Morales, the King of Coca. Yet another socialist who determined the best way to "serve" the people required him staying in officer/power/ forever. But, it seems the people of bolivia weren't ready for a lifelong Dictator. Oh, I'm sorry, did I call the King of Coca a, "Dictator"? Just when it seemed the walls were closing in on Mr. Coca, who should come to his rescue? Yep; yet another true socialist revolutionary, you know the President of Mexico, the US's number one trading partner. My oh my, how interesting this whole story just became. 

What's old is new again:

The memories of Daniel Ortega................ the FPN.......the FSLN and the Sandinista Revolution. Don't know what I'm talking about? Look it up, folks. I am not one of those folks who put a lot of filler into my post just so some editor, overload, can tell me I met the word count requirement. Keep up or move on! Daniel and Evo. Part of a particular era for Central America and the US. Oh, the days of Oliver North and the dreaded CIA. Evo, and Daniel. Two of the guys who drove the US absolutely crazy. By the way, did you know the only reason Bolivia grows coca is because it's a heritage issue along with its use for altitude sickness? Wow.What a guy King Coca is. Looking out for the little people just like a real socialist. The Sandinista Revolution, those were the days! 

Who was on the revolution team, back in the day? Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Bolivia, and a few others. Yep. Central America was a mess, even worse than it is today. Did that mess have help? You bet it did. You see, there was this support unit that went by the name of the KGB. I know, here we go, blaming the Communist back then for everything that went wrong in the world. I admit it's not like the US had a clear vision of what needed to take place in its own backyard, but the idea the US's absolute enemy, the USSR, would have not attempted to interfere and disrupt the US's backyard, well, that's absurd. The King of coca and his comrades drove the US crazy, and guess what, nobody in DC really forgot that fact. Side Note: Where is good old comrade Ortega today? Look it up! 

LifeLine from like-minded "friends": 

The King of coca is on the outs, pushed out by a coup, to hear him tell the story. He left so there would be no more violence, right? Wrong. He left before his military had him sleeping with the fishes, a practice in that part of the world. Now, he had his choices of where to go. Venezuela, Nicaragua, even Cuba, but to hear the story, it seems someone reached out to him first. Someone offered him a lifeline just before him, stating he needed one. Enter Mr. AMLO! 

Is the President of Mexico another campion of "Indigenous People" part of the 80's rhythm?  A devout socialist? Yes. Someone who plays the "Indigenous" card? Yes. A guy who has never had a warm fuzzy for the Gringos in the US? Yes. Oh, by the way, Mr. I love Indigenous people's Grandfather was an exile from Spain. Don't you just love history and the mix of irony? As a Professor in the mid-70s, I would be willing to bet his political views were just about in lockstep with the pending Sandinista Revolutionary movement.  I also heard he is found of baseball.
No wonder he and Hugo Chavez were buds. You know Hugo, the guy that put Venezuela on the road to kids eating from trashcans? On the topic of likeminded people. Back in 2006, AMLO decided he had been cheated out of the presidency of Mexico, no, not hanging chads. Well, he attempted to set up his own government, but unlike the Sandinista Revolution, AMLO just didn't have the backing he needed to pull it off. Where was the KGB when he needed them? He may have not won then, but when he did, he knew to invite to the party. Who was on the invite list? Yep, good old Daniel Ortega, he was a no-show, by the way, Mr. Maduro, you know his name by now I hope and one that really caught my eye; a FARC Commander. He also decided he couldn't make it. Whoops, I forgot, Evo was on the list as well. So, there you had it, the who's who of, " We hate the US." North Korea. I forgot the Little Fat Guy. 

When the invite to Evo was made public, the life-line had already been arranged. Why? They are Likeminded people, that's why! Stop. Here is where I inject one of my most consistent comments. Mexico is the  US's number one trading partner! I just thought I would drop that in there:). 

Where is this going:

Why did AMLO reach out to the King of Coca? Did the terrorist drug cartel Bosses tell him to? That would fit some people's agenda, but that's not what took place here. AMLO is what he is; a die in the wool social revolutionary. His dream of being the leader of Mexico's 4th revolution is not just a fantasy. The idea of a Bolivarian style revolution for the region may just be his quest. When he looks in the mirror, does he see Simon Bolivar? That would be comical, given his Grandfather was from Spain. AMLO may very well see himself as something more significant than just the President of Mexico. Like so many before him, even in the 80s, his hallucination might just have him thinking he is the sparkplug of a real revolt against the Gringos in DC for all of Central and South America. Providing a place to regroup from an opportunity to counter the so-called coup, that might be the logic behind AMLO's move. Even if you think my statements are the equivalent of tealeaf reading, one fact stands true. AMLO holds the socialist revolutionary spirit of those who think like him in high regard. It may not be the 80s all over again, but I think I do hear Disco music!