Monday, January 14, 2019

            You know, every now and then, I come across a story that just makes me sit and twist my head like a dog hearing a high pitch sound. I had one of those moments this morning. I’ve actually copied the link just so you can witness this head twisting event.
Now, I have to admit, when I first began to read this story, my first impression was, it’s just the Escobar clan looking to laundry money, but when I reached the section about the Go Fund Me, I really began to wonder what in the world was going on here.  Roberto Escobar and crypto-currency? That’s not that hard to understand given the amount of money the Escobars made and most likely continue to make in the drug world, but building the plan based on a end-state of “dethroning” The Donald? Why Trump? Why make Trump the centerpiece of a crypto concept? What in the world is going on here?
Opportunity Knocks:
            Has Roberto found a way to tap into the Trumpophobic movement? Does he really think there is enough money to be made from people who hate trump to make such a concept work? Most of the people who run around with their hair on fire over Trump still live in their parent’s basement, much less have large sums of cash to invest in a drug lords crypto scheme. Is Roberto out to make money or hide money? Who was going to be allowed to draw from the Go Fund Me he had set up? Just how much money is the Escobar Inc willing to put into this get Trump plan? I’m telling you, this is one crazy story! They raised 10 million in just 10 hours? From who? Do crime families eventually attempt to go “legit”? Yes, but is that what is really taking place here? If so, then why attach the whole issue of Trump to the idea? Perhaps Roberto is looking to laundry someone else’s money? Who has a great deal of wealth, but doesn’t want his name attached to any “Anti Trump” movement, at least not anymore than it already is?
Trump’s Opportunity:
            The Wall and the flow of drugs and criminals. Two topics the Escobar family fits perfectly. Now, what was and may still be the largest drug lord family in the world is targeting President Trump and doing so right as he is in the middle of the fight over the wall. Yes, opportunity is knocking for The Donald as well. Imagine taking this story to the American people. Imagine painting a picture where the king of Cocaine is out to get him, forget the fact the “King” title may not apply. People don’t read that deep and even if the press did, it would be easy to show the continuing ties to the drug world and the Escobar family. Does anyone really think they have moved completely away from the world that made them a global family?   They are not Irish Catholic. This is not prohibition.
            Trump has the most notorious drug empire in the world after him. How in the world can he let this go by without beating his opposition over the head with it?  How hard would it be to paint a picture of, “if you are against the Wall, than you are for Roberto and his new Crypto scheme? Is it factual? Since when did factual matter anymore? What is the Escobar Inc up to? Something tells me someone knows. How would this plan fund a “Get Trump” movement? That’s the core of what The Donald needs to go after. If you are against the Wall, then you are for Escobar Inc.  a gift is sitting there, but can anyone on The Donald’s staff unwrap it?