Monday, October 17, 2016


Over the past few years, I have addressed this person on several occasions. If you don’t know who he is, I suggest you ready up or my comments are not going to make much sense to you. If you don’t care about what he has done, then you’ve not lost someone in Iraq since 2003. If you know who he is and still supports what the US administration is doing with Iran, then you need to stop reading this because you are not capable of rational thought!
Who is Soleimani? He is an Iranian General who is directly responsible for hundreds of US service member’s deaths in Iraq! I’m not going to try to impress you like some of the “experts” by giving you his background. Frankly, if you don’t know his background, that’s ok. All you need to know is many US lives were lost because of this man.
Side Note: I know more about this man than just about any talking head / expert / out there, with the exception of intelligence members who have been assigned to become SME’s on his daily life. 
Why is this story so upsetting to me? Simple. The West / US / has dirtied its hands with Iran to the point that living with the actions of this man seems to be more important than losing a worthless nuclear weapons program. How could the US even hope to allow this man to be involved with any actions the Us may be supporting in Iraq? Again, simple. The US has turned its back on this man’s actions for several years now. Again, the weapon’s program hallucination in DC is more important than risking someone finding out the US is dealing / tolerating / the   actions of Soleimani.
This man should have died in a drone strike years ago! Several attempts have been made on him, but not with the involvement of the West; at least I would bet they were not involved.
When I first started reading some of the conceptual plans that were slow leaked on how the operation to retake Mosul might take place, it was obvious the glaring questions were going to be ignored by the Western media. “ How can Tukey support an event the Kurds were going to support? How was the West / US / going to support an operation that was going to have a blatant Shia vs Sunni nexus to it? How would the West / US / sell their actions to Saudi”?  The score card of who is on whose team was a comedy all by itself. Military leadership in the US has been shaking its head as DC and the US Department of State hold hands with the Iranians and the Persian puppet government in Iraq.
The most difficult part of preparing a “plan” to retake Mosul was based on two highly complicated issues.
1.      Finding out how to get the players to get along long enough to have an actual coordinated game plan.
2.      Training an inept fighting force to be able to take on dedicated killers who have had over two years to fortify their positions in Mosul.
Both of these issues have almost doomed this so called Campaign from the beginning!
In the middle of all of this, the Iranians, who have had control in Syria taken away from them by the Russians , are desperate to keep control of Iraq. Deals made with the Kurds, the only real fighters taking part in the Mosul event, can only infuriated the Turks.
What outcome in Mosul does Egodan envision for Turkey? No Kurdish enclaves can be any slice of the outcome, regardless of what deals the Iranians have struck.
So the picture is this. The coalition of forces for the Mosul attack is anything but “united”.  In the middle of that statement is the issue of General Soleimani. Did the Iraqi government ask for his help?  Given how important Iraq is to Iran, does anyone really think the Iranians would care if they were asked or not?
Why? Why is Soleimani being called for? The Iranians know all too well the feelings the West / US / military has for him. They know the Obama administration is more concerned with the legacy of a nuclear arms deal than having to work with a killer of US forces.
Iraq is more than important to Iran. Iraq is nearly everything to Iran. All of their regional plans go up in smoke if they are not seen as the controllers of Iraq.
Soleimani is probably the only person who could take over the Iranian government in a coup and not have the Iranian people revolt. By the way, that rumor was out there a few years ago. What the coup planners underestimated was Soleimani’ s loyalty to Iranian senior leader!
In the end, here is the part that makes me angrier than words can describe. How is it the Obama administration can hope to work around this man without public outcry? The sad truth is, most of the US public has no idea who he is and what he has done to their Sons and Daughters! As is always the case, ignorance is counted on.
I can tell you one group that is not ignorant to Soleimani. The United States Military.
 They will not work with him or his people and if ordered to do so, that relationship will be designed to fail.
Soleimani may be called upon to take pictures standing next to Iraqi fighters. He may be positioned to point at a map and look “Commanding”, but, if he was to die a “martyr” in the battle for Mosul, the fog of way may be a great excuse.
There is a special corner in Hell for this man and I hope someone sends him there soon!
In Shala!