Wednesday, December 28, 2016


So the US administration announced pending “actions” against the Russians? Interesting they picked  to announce this event the same day Secretary of State Kerry gave a worthless lecture to Israel as his parting shot. It’s no surprise the current US administration has flown their Anti Semite Colors at the very end of their eight year run. Making the leader of a free nation and a once strong Ally enter the White House by the backdoor was the first real clues of Obama’s anti-Jewish feelings, but let me get back to the issue at hand.  
So the US is going to announce additional sanctions on the Russians? Wow! That will show them! That’s a Progressive Liberal’s way of showing just how down in the dirt they can get. Take that Tsar. Ya…. Now you know who you are messing with. Good grief!
Why did the US telegraph this event? If you truly wanted to get revenge for a cyber event, why wouldn’t you just do something and then disavow the whole issue?  Why make a media event out of it? Well, that is what the US Administration does and they are not the only ones. Domestic, political leveraging is a timeless concept carried out by just about every government in the known world. So, if we are to assume this event is more for the internal, public consumption of the US, then the Russian reaction was probably not factored into the formula. Did the Russians react? When I checked I couldn’t find a response. With the time differential, it may have been too soon or perhaps something else took place? Did the Tsar just blow off the big announcement from the US? Probably not. If “Face Saving” is the objective of the US Administration, how could they possibly believe fore even a single minute the Tsar would allow the US to make such a statement and not respond? As a matter of fact, there was a response. It was covered in Western media, but no official story on Sputnik, at least not yet.
Is this telegraphed event going to have repercussions? Will the Tsar make a point of embarrassing the outgoing US Administration one last time? I would be his response will verbally far more impressive to the world public than the announcement of yet another threat of sanctions. In the arena of verbal combat, the US is outgunned.  Will the Tsar simply move his energy towards the Trump Administration and let Obama go with a verbal slap? Well, there was a good chance of that taking place up until the stupidest statement of all was mentioned in the US’s announcement today.
“Some unannounced actions” taken is a covert manner? Several weeks ago, when this whole story of the Russians impacting the US election became the answer as to why Trump won, I wrote about how dangerous it was to threaten another nation, the Russians no less, when you had no history of backing up your statements or even worse, when the world is your audience and they wait for the response. It could be the Tsar would have been willing to just grin his typical grin and let this “announcement” pass, but then the US blew it! They had to add the unannounced slice, or at least the Administration’s version of … CNN did so.
Dumb! Just dumb! After eight years as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, you would think the Obama team would have figured this out. Just because you have a history in US politics of saying outrageous statements while the political opponent takes the ‘high ground”, doesn’t mean that theory translates into international affairs. Truly something Obama and his team never figured out. As I said weeks ago, if anything happens now………anything…….. the Tsar is in a perfect position to blame the US.
The Armature Hour in the US ends on January 20th of 2017.
Let’s hope the Trump version of “ Zero Button” has a better impact than the last one.
Vindictiveness. A trait of many world leaders.
Let’s see how this plays out.