Thursday, May 23, 2013


The author of this story brings up several valid issues that are worthy of further, tactical analysis.

Before we get to the issue of Hezbollah's concerns, lets take a quick look at  the so called "malitias" the Iranians have pushed into Syria.

These sectarian militias have one goal and one goal only, to act as cannon fodder in the classical sense of warfare.

Simply put, they are not expected to be tactically proficient or even combat effective.

They were put into the fight to allow the more skilled Syrian and Hezbollah units to maneuver once the Cannon Fodder units were tossed into the fight.

Made up of young men with nothing else to do with their lives and no real future, the thrill of combat and a small paycheck landed them in an operation will they will be chopped up, accused of War Crimes, given most of them are common criminals for hire, and left on the battle field if needed by Assad or Hezbollah if needed.

Ok, lets move on to the real issue with the fighting in Qusayr?

What if......what if... Hezbollah finds itself being fought to a standstill?

What if Hezbollah units have to pull back after taking ground they died for?

How do they sell that to a "base" that is having a hard time accepting their actions even as they seem to be doing well?

How much of their force are they truly willing to commit to the fight in Syria?

What do they leave to the rear to defend the "Base" if needed and it appears that threat is growing with every hour that passes.

If Iran orders them " all the way in", will they do it?

How much of their fighting ability are they willing to get bogged down in Syria as Israel gladly watches on with a smile?

Here is the classic issue Hezbollah has never historically had to account for.

What is the "Exit Plan"?

Exit planning....something the truly professional militaries struggle with.

How long does Hezbollah's leadership "sell" the death toll to it's "base"?

If Qusayr falls, can Assad's forces hold it without Hezbollah?

Oh.... you's so easy to get into a fight.... but the art of getting out.....well ... that is something Hezbollah has little knowledge of.

If Hezbollah is now officially caught in a "grind" inside Syria, who does it really benefit?

I bet we all know that answer!!!