Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Okay, before I even get started, let me just say I really intended on addressing an issue I believe is far more important than The Little Fat Man’s train ride, but I was talked into this post and as such……….here we go!
First off, the mental picture of this guy taking his private Choo Choo to China is just to irresistible to pass up….hence the cartoon at the top. Now, down to business. Can you imagine the US intelligence agencies notifying the President’s National Security Advisor the Little Fat Guy is on the move….by of all things…….. a train? Talk about an opportunity to execute a life changing event for North Korea! The problem is, his crazy Aunt is still alive and some think, she would love to take over, or so she thinks. I’m not sure how the Chinese would have reacted to such an event, but I’m also not sure The Donald and his new team would care. Invade North Korea and China would go to war. Blow up a Choo Choo with the Little Fat Guy in it and the Chinese may just enact their “replacement” plan a little early.  You can bet the idea crossed somebody’s desk.

               The Talking Heads / “Experts” are all abuzz with the question. “Why”? Why is the Choo Choo back in China? Is the pain in the ass from North Korea, my hunch how the Dragon now sees him, going for guidance on his meeting with The Donald? Does he really listen to the Chinese anymore and if so, to what level? Was he asked to come or was he ordered to appear? When he showed up, did he talk or was he told to listen? Is his declared meeting with The Donald his idea or was it his Master’s? One things for sure, the suspense is killing those who watch this show. It’s just too bad it’s not killing the North Korean Leader. Of course, he’s not home yet! Guidance this far in advance of the sit down is noteworthy, but perhaps the pre event sit down with South Korea is the topic?  Driving a wedge between the US and South Korea is valid theory. A theory the Dragon would completely support. A North Korean / South Korean “agreement” at some level, without the US’s input, would spell real trouble for the US and the US knows it. Yes, South Korea has their version of Obama right now, but the South Korean military is not about to let an idealistic dreamer destroy the South’s ability to defend itself. In the end, it’s very difficult to predict why this trip has taken place, but one thing is for sure the end state is not to create an environment that is conducive to the US. All the rumors of a Trade War between China and the US will have an impact on this meeting and you can bet on that fact. The Dragon is still developing an annex to it’s Master Plan given the arrival of a President like Trump was not anticipated. The Choo Choo is in China and the reason has some on pins and needles. On the ride back, the Little Fat Guy may want to have his body double in the train. You never know when Bolton’s influence is going to truly kick in! I wonder what “ Choo Choo” means in Mandarin?