Friday, October 13, 2017


As predicted, The Donald did not certify the Iranian nuclear arms pact and the “experts” have been rushing to the news outlets to sell their opinions as fast as they can. So, the questions has been and now is, “so, what now”? First off CNN and MSNBC will have yet another nightly showing of the Trumpophobic  show! While that is taking place, the US Democratic will be rushing down the hallways of Congress to see who can get on TV first as they give their profound statements on what Trump’s actions mean to the nation. All of this is not only predictable and laughable, it’s also worthless to watch. Let’s take an intelligent look at what the Donald’s actions mean, but not the US, but to “others”.

Does it really matter?

Let me make something perfectly clear to anyone out there that doesn’t understand the dynamics of the Middle East. Iran will never…….never….ever… be allowed to possess nuclear weapons! And I say never ever? If I didn’t, I’ll say it again! NEVER EVER! Doesn’t matter what the US signs. It doesn’t matter what the Russians promise. It doesn’t matter how many foaming at the mouth speeches the reading leadership might give. It doesn’t matter how much the North Koreans or any other nations scientist attempt to help the Iranians. It’s never going to happen! The reigning people or those that hate the nation of Israel can listen to all the speeches they want to. They can have old men stand at podiums and talk about the destruction of the nation of Israel. It won’t matter! The nation of Israel will never allow the Iranians to possess nuclear weapons! Now that we understand that, let’s move on to a topic that’s probably far more important given today’s decision by the United States leadership. The Iranians delusional enough to state they will now move their program for?
Iran’s Decision:
All the talk today, after president trumps decision, seem to center around the issue that the United States Congress must now decide the fate of the Iranian nuclear weapons agreement. As I stated above, that’s a completely false assumption. There is a far more important decision to be made and it’s not one that will take place in the United States. How Iranians react? Who will try and influence their reaction? How will those that support the Iranians respond to today decision? These are far more important questions then making comments and speculations about the U.S. Congress. Logically the first decision that must be made, must be made by the Iranians. Howell words given from the bully pulpit are meaningless. After all the emotional speeches are finished, what will the Iranians do? It seems they have 60 days to figure that out. Sometime inside that 60 day window, you will see a dire warning from the Israelis addressing the Iranians and the options they must contemplate. The Iranians know better than anyone else that the Israelis do not pay attention to words as much as they do physical actions.

This is not New “News”:

The Iranians, the Russians and just about everyone else has been anticipating today’s decision. Courses of action, based upon the decisions of United States, have been under development by every single nation that could be impacted by this agreement. Conversations between nations, especially with the United States, have been going on for weeks. The EU’s sympathetic approach towards the Iranians has most likely follow up on deaf ears at the White House. As for Moscow, the Czar has been willing to trade away the Persians from day one. Europe, more specifically, Eastern Europe, that is the Brass Ring Russians seek. Let The Donald place NATO expansion on the table and you can watch the Iranian nuclear program go away overnight. So you see, the anticipation of the US’s decision today has been in play long before the announcement the media is going crazy over right now.

Who holds the “High ground”:

Think of this entire discussion over Iranian nuclear weapons development from a unique but typical stance. Who holds the high ground? Who really negotiates this dangerous topic from  an overwhelming advantage point? Answer? The United States! Who understands this as this negotiation period Now moves forward? Yep! The Donald! Yes, I know, all the liberal media is abuzz with yet another rumor that the commander-in-chief of the United States top military advisers are against killing the Iranian weapons program deal! To that I simply answer, BS! What the United States military brass has most likely informed their commander-in-chief is the fact that the Israelis have a trigger point for the Iranian nuclear weapons program.” Mr. President. If the Iranians decide to move forward with their program they are X amount of days away from operation weapon. The Israelis will take action against that program no later than X amount of days prior to that anticipated operational weapons date”. That Is probably as close as you can get to the true concerns of the United States military senior leadership if you’re looking for an issue with this entire Iranian nuclear weapons deal. If they were asked, and they probably were, what is the recommendation, their answers would be based upon the scenarios that they believe might happen. There is one thing that every senior military commander in United States understands. The Israelis will never allow the Iranians to have functional nuclear weapons program. So today, the Donald set into motion a process most had already anticipated. The announcement was only the next move in this chess game. Anticipated reactions by the Iranians and their supporters were factored in before this final decision was made. Having said that, you never really know your opponents next move until they actually make it. Let me end this post by reiterating my initial statement. Iran will never be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. Durand needs to understand the physics of this event. 1650c …………If you live in Iran…………look it up!!! Your leaders may have it in your future.