Wednesday, December 5, 2012

As I watched and read about events taking place in Egypt today, I couldn't help but wonder why it was many of the people in Egypt understand what it is the Muslim Brotherhood is and has been up to all this time, yet the "West" seems to be holding on to the fallacy of "hope"... Hope that the MB is an organization the world can "deal with".

I've said it time and time again, the MB is the slow version of cancer, but the end results are the same.... the death of any form of government that is not Islamic.

But as of today, my how the times change!!!!

I listen to a MB spokesperson today rant to the point of foaming at the mouth about how poor Mr Mursi was only doing the "will of the people"...... Funny.. that seems to be the same line every dictator has used for centuries!!!

It was obvious Mursi was racing against time and the Egyptian Courts tossing out the one-sided so called Constitutional Draft... you know.. .the one all the secularist walked out on months ago.... Democracy... MB style!!!

As I listen to the MB supporters spout their moronic  themes and messages on why Mursi "had" to do what he did, it seemed laughable to me what they were trying to sell to the rest of the world.

As the day wore on, the MB tried desperately to sell the idea of the protesters being part of the old Mubarak regime.

Now, I have a question for the MB.

How can it be the same youthful, secularist in the streets today... protesting the Pharaoh that took to the square in 2011?

 This is the issue the MB will struggle with.

How do the "frame" the perception of who these protestors are?

Linking them to "old" Mubarak supporters is not going to work.

Labeling them as "non believers" will only expose the true Islamic nature of the MB.

I've said it before and it still holds true....... it's much easier to protest... complain and make demands than it is to lead.

That problem becomes particularly difficult when your intention is not to be "inclusive", not to be truly democratic,  but to simply gain power and rule according to what your group believes in.

Now, the fact the MB is facing the biggest crisis in their history may sound encouraging to those of us who were never on the MB bandwagon to begin with, but the fact of the matter is an Egypt sliding back into the abyss spells even more danger for the region.

I would be willing to bet, the Islamic Jihad groups in the Sinai are moving without a care in the world right about now.... well.. with the exception of the IDF!!!!

Where this is all heading is hard to judge at the moment, but Mursi can afford few if any additional mistakes at the moment.

If he was smart, and he is, he would find a way to announce a delay in the Dec Constitutional referendum and do so quickly.

Every event of this scale has a point of no return and Mursi has little time to find an answer before that point returns to Egypt.