Sunday, February 20, 2011

'Jasmine Revolution'?
What a strange turn of events. China actually worrying about events in the Middle East spreading to mainland China.  
I go back to m original comments about the 'Tunisian Virus' and how nobody can predict what direction it may move.
One thing is becoming more and more clear.  The age of 'social networks' has changed how world events are viewed and now even take place. 
Strange how a few years ago with the onset of the Bird Flu scare, the world began to realize how fast such a 'virus' could and would spread.  The 'Global Community' is now able to get 'sick' not just from a physical virus, but from a social one as well.
With over 1 billion people and issues that run deep between multiple cultures and values in China, the impact of the 'Tunisian Virus' on China could be interesting to watch.  
Something else is really starting to amaze me. We seem to keep saying, " it's not likely these events in the Middle East and North Africa will impact stabilized countries such as Saudi and Kuwait".
Talking heads are shooting in the dark!!!
I said this a few days ago, but I will say it again.
Watch out for those who will try and start the same fires in the US.
Wisconsin and Ohio and a few others can be twisted in many different directions.
Last point for this evening.  
Sometimes the 'enemy' doesn't really care how reckless an event may become. Sometimes they don't care what the final product might be. They simply want to see damage done to the US and her allies.
The 'Tunisian Virus' continues to morph and where it is going could be anyone guess!!