Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Two articles worthy of reading.

The first is an interview conducted over a year and a half ago with the
Author of the book, " A Time To Betray".

What is interesting about the interview is how the author talks about the
beginning of the Iranian Revolution and the high hopes the young left leaning
socialist had of forming a new Democracy in Iran!!

Sound familiar?

The " Arab Spring.. Persian style back in 1979!

The outcome paints a predictable picture for the Arab Spring.

I don't necessarily  agree with the Author's prediction of a conflict with Iran, but the storyline of how the youth of Iran were overrun by the Fundamentalist is a dire warning of today's events.

The second article, " Moroccan Wolf in Sheep's clothing", help us realize the
Iranian past is mostly likely the Arab Spring's future.

As I have been saying for sometime now... the Muslim Brotherhood is going to execute their plan slowly and methodically.

Morocco is just another step in the MB's journey.

The Shia must fall just as the " Infidels" must fall!!!!

Pay very close attention to the Author's discussion on the difference between Persians and Arabs...... It hits the nail on the head.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The only people who truly believe the people who stormed the British Embassy were really " Iranian Students" are the leaders of the Iranian government!

The Basij " Thugs" were placed in all the Universities throughout Iran shortly after the uprising in 2009.

Their mission is simple.... disrupt.. threaten... and watch the real students to prevent the beginning of another uprising.

Does anyone think for a minute that a real protest could take place in Iran to the level that an Embassy could be overrun and the Iranian Police not be beating and even shooting people?

Did anyone notice not a single picture of any of the Rioters being injured or carried away while being beaten like most normal students are treated in Iran?

So, it was a setup... a staged event.. I know nobody is stunned by that statement.

By labeling these Thugs as " Students", Iranian leadership thinks it is painting a picture of " solidarity" inside Iran.

Now, I would agree that the "Real" Iranian Students are patriotic enough to support their country if attacked, but I don't believe they would attack and occupy the British Embassy and even if they did, the concept of the Iranian government, who the typical College Student hates, working hand in hand with them is a little far fetched.

Short answer... it doesn't pass the smell test!

Ok, so why did this event take place?

The fact this event took place within hours of rockets being fired from Lebanese land.. land controlled by Hezbollah, cannot be overlooked.

Iran sent yet another message with these two events.

The price of meddling in Syrian affairs can and will be very high!

Don't think for a moment the  attack on the British Embassy was a true act of College Kids in Iran.. .far from it....

Yet, don't think for a moment young Iranians will not rally around their country, if not it's leaders, if Iran is attacked.

Yep.... It's complicated.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Read some interesting comparative analysis of the impact the events could have on Lebanon.

The interesting part was who  wrote the editorials.

The short answer is both sides of the political fence in Lebanon, pro Syria and anti Syria, both have come to the same conclusion.

If Syria falls into a full scale Civil War, Lebanon will become a proxy battlefield.

The rockets fired today from inside Lebanon towards Israel is a dramatic reminder of how intertwined the entire region really is.

Perhaps this event today was more than just a few rockets fired into Israel.

Perhaps, as I commented last week, it's Iran reminding not just Israel, but everyone just how volatile things can be.

It's common knowledge that the Free Syrian Army is getting some level of support transiting through Lebanon.

Syrian efforts to stop this logistical flow can only make matters worse.

It's only a matter of time before the fighting taking place just inside the Syrian border happens just inside the Lebanese border..... more than just firing at a small group of people 

Rumors of " Safety Zones" continue to abound and the perception in Syria can only be one of immanent intervention.

It's that perception that will drive Al Assad's supports away from him and he knows this.

It's his understanding of this that will lead him to taking desperate actions thus fulfilling the "Rumors".

Sounds crazy, but it's more predestine that most people understand right now.

Can the region stay out of a Regional War???

Everyday could be the day and the stress on the Arab League and the GCC and the Israelis is unrelenting.

Ten months of stress....

How much more can the region withstand?

How many more times must we all hope the leaders of the region don't make the wrong decision?

Personally, I think we ran out of luck three or four months.

Most of the leadership of the region knows what is coming.. they are just trying to put it off as long as they can or perhaps just need more time to prepare.

The odds of us all waking up and suddenly seeing a happier... brighter day for the Middle East is a long .... .long ... long distant dream.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


For years now, the AL has been seen as nothing more than a Paper Tiger or a group of Rich Puppets to the Oil industry.

It's easy to say the " respect" level provided to them was virtually nonexistent.

If ever there was a time for the AL to begin the transformation process leading to actually becoming a influential organization, it's now... during the Arab Spring....

If Western domination of the region is really coming to an end, and I think it is, then the AL must make every effort to finally become what the people of the region have long wished it would become... a respected... unified.. leadership council that must be listened to... short answer... taken seriously, not just by the world but the people in the region as well.

Now, how confident am I this will happen??? Not very!!!

It's hard to ask someone to describe a color they have never seen before.

It's hard to get a body of so called "leaders" to truly unify when "unity" is a word that has never taken hold in the entire region..

It's impossible for a group to decide the best "Democratic" path for one member when a majority of the members can't spell Democracy!

Not to give up hope on the AL being able to truly influence Syria and thus begin the process of becoming a functional body for the region, but their very first action that signified unity on the Syrian issue was a huge mistake.

To insinuate the AL was taken the sanctions option to prevent a Libyan style intervention was absolutely disastrous.

When the AL came up with this strategy, did they stop to think about the repercussions of what Iran and Russia and China might be?

I guess the more frightening answer is.... yes they did!!!!

Iran will waste little time announcing the AL is simply a puppet of the West and the warning of a pending intervention simply exposes the real plan.

The Region is at a point where one disastrous statement can lead to open warfare and the AL is simply too amateurish to deal with the region.

The economic impact of these new sanctions will be talked about in the next two days or so, but the message that was delivered with the sanctions announcement will be the real spark for further actions.

If anyone thinks Al Assad is going to change course now, they are living in a dream world.

He just heard the AL tell him there is now way out... no way out but perhaps sending the entire Middle East into war!

The AL has a long... long ways to go yet...  

Friday, November 25, 2011


Although the accusation of Israel being involved with the resistance movement in Syria is not new, the disturbing trend of Syrian officials making this statement can not be underestimated.

Most people are well aware of the age old tactic of creating an outside threat to ether justify the actions of a desperate government or distract the population of a troubled nation.

In Syria's case,  both probably apply.

With today's deadline, yet another one by the Arab League, set to expire, many are revisiting  the issue of Al Assad actually contemplating taking his country into an external conflict or, in a worse case scenario, supporting his own country sliding into a Civil War.

In the second case, I cannot imagine his Sunni Business class and Christian supporters allowing him to take this path.

I'm not sure they would even support him forcing Syria into a external conflict, although some of them would see this as a money making opportunity.  

" Military Officials" like the one referenced in this attached article do not " speak" without guidance.

The message has been there for several months now, but perhaps Al Assad is pushing the threat just a little harder.

It should not be overlooked and I don't think it is...

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Although Egypt is giving the Syrian event a few short days off of the top of the news, it is not going to delay what now even the Arab League understands to be the inevitable.. the fall of the Syrian government.

Iran knows this better than anyone else to include the Arab League and the fear factor is overwhelming for them.

Iran is also more convinced than ever Saudi is supporting the Syrian Resistance and most likely the Free Syrian Army / FSA !

Is this true?

Remember, the 21st century, Social Network world is based on perception far more than fact!

Besides.... It probably is true to some degree and the level of support is not important to Iran.

So, the "Proxy" events between Iran and Saudi have been going on for sometime now and this latest violence in the Shia township is just another dangerous chapter.

With all that has taken place in the Middle East this year, it is important not to lose track of who the real issues and what the impact might be.

The balance of power in the Middle East is coming into question.

Will the Persians or the Arabs or the Ottomans take control?

The fact of the matter is, the "West" is losing it's grip and the financial ability to keep that grip is all but gone.

 How will organizations like the BRIC influence the future of the Middle East?

What role does China and Russia see and what are they willing to do to gain influence in the region?

The world still pivots around carbon based fuel and the cheapest is oil.

The Middle East is the center stage for two of the world's religions and oil.

That has been and will continue to be a very dangerous combination!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Great article I found today that really gets down to what the issue is going to be for Egypt.

It's easy to be confused by the scorecard right now.

The Muslim Brotherhood wants quick elections, but they don't want the Military exempt from Parliamentary oversight given the MB plans on running the Parliament.

The Socialist, Secularist don't want quick elections given they are not ready, but they don't want the Military to govern the country any longer!

The Egyptian Military doesn't want the country ruled by Islamic Fundamentalist and they don't want to  have their economic control of  Egypt overseen by anyone.

So, everyone wants their cake and eat it to!

Israel can't take the stress of more instability on their border.

Turkey would love to see the MB take control of Egypt and them come calling on Turkey on how to govern as an Islamic State.

Iran loves the distraction, but knows the growing power of the MB is going to mean trouble for Iran down the road.

Syria loves the distraction, but Assad knows it's too little and too late.. unless it goes real ...real.. bad... like Civil War bad and in that case Syria blows up anyway.

Remember back in January of 2011 when everyone was so excited about the Arab Spring and all the great things that were going to come out of it?

How's that working for you now????

Monday, November 21, 2011


A great deal has taken place since the last time I posted on this site, so let's get right down to it.

Several topics, so I will keep it simple and try to relate what they could mean to each other.


I had to say, " I told you so.... but I told you so"!!

If anyone really was foolish enough to believe the Fundamentalist were not going to shape the outcome of the elections... well they were simply dreaming.

As I said back in March of this year, the Muslim Brotherhood and those like them were going to wait until the right moment in time and then set the nation into yet another downward spiral.

The fact this has taken place just days before the election is no coincidence.

Fear has always made the everyday citizen vote for what they think is going to be safe in times of trouble and this is exactly what the MB is planning on.

The concept of letting Egypt virtually begin to burn and then offer a pathway out of the madness has been the plan for the MB from day one.

It's working  and I predict it's going to work next week.

The problem will come when the youthful, liberal, sectarians realize what is happening.

I think they already do.

I don't see the violence getting any better and as a matter of fact, it has a strong chance of getting much worse between now and the elections on the 28th.

I'm not sold they will take place as scheduled... not because of the MB or the Egyptian Military, but the youth who realize what is going on.

Egypt is in real... real... trouble.. and the Arab League has to be in a full panic.

They have way too much on their plate to deal with Egypt becoming destabilized yet again.


Assad is watching events in Egypt and praying it only gets worse.

He is watching the economic, political circus in the US and saying a second payer.

These two events have shoved Syria, at least for now, from the top of the news headlines and both events have the potential to keep Assad on " page two.. below the fold line, for several days if not longer.

Assad could not have chosen a better time to thumb the AL in the eye over the
" Observer" issue.

The AL will simply not have time to deal with Assad's attitude while Egypt is burning.


Like Syria, Iran could not have had events in Egypt happen at a better time.

Some might say Iran may have even had a hand in the flair up, but I'm not sold on that theory.

The MB is not known for working with Iran on " Distraction" concepts.. far from it!!!!

The Saber Rattling by Israel over the past week is noticed far and wide.

Would the Israelis decide when to or when not to attack Iran's operations based on the events taking place in Egypt?

Probably not, but it has to be a factor in the " go... no go" review.

As I have said before.. the issue between Iran and Israel is not if Israel decides to attack.... but if Iran determents Israel is going to attack.. really believes it's going to happen.

The whole Middle East and North Africa moves based on " perception" right now.

The GCC:

Yemen should be the topic they are working on the most, but it's not and will not be for sometime to come... that's good news for the current leadership in Yemen.

The GCC and the AL are closely linked and the topics of Iran, Israel.... Syria... Egypt is more than they can collectively handle.

What would be interesting to see is what is taking place between the AL.. GCC and Turkey...

Can the GCC and the AL risk letting the Ottoman's be the deciders of events in Syria?

Can the two of them allow Turkey to make the " deals" with Russia " others" on what should happen in Syria?

Ah... the days of sitting around and dragging on the Shisha pipe are long gone.

When you want to play " world leader".. when you want to demand "respect". the leisure time all but disappears.

It's what the leadership of Saudi learned years ago....

"Let the West pump the oil and worry about the oil... we will just sit in the piles of money"!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


One thing the media is getting right this morning is the dangerous change
this attack on the Syrian Intelligence HQ brings to the conflict.

The Syrian Intelligence and Secret Police are placed under the title of the
Syrian Air Force as a cover story for their existence.

DEBKA is most likely correct with its assumption of Arab League and GCC
support for this dramatic step.

Assad will waste no time attempting to turn this attack into a classic, "I
told you so", response.

He will leverage the event to show he is actually fighting an armed
resistance in his country and how can he be expected not to respond?

I've noticed that most of the defected Syrian Military members are back in
civilian clothes, thus making the " hit and blend" tactic far more effective.

It will not just be Assad that reacts to this dramatic increase to conflict
in Syria. (Actually...... this is the second time the Syrian Air Force has
been attacked)

Iran will respond in some tactical way soon.

Look for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, rocket attacks from Gaza to be an
option. ( Limited... but large enough to be a media distraction.)

The objective here will be to move the story back to the issue of Israel and the PA.

Second Article:
I've been reading about this group and there is an
important issue that is lost in this commentary.

Notice how the FSA does not claim they are attacking the Syrian Military!

They are fighting the "Criminal Gangs loyal to Assad".... the Shabiha ... who
really are armed Thugs!

It's important for the FSA not be seen as a threat to the Syrian Military if
they plan on larger numbers of defections.

It's one thing to state you are only fighting the Shabiha, it's another to
insure your actual attacks and kills are not regular Syrian Military
members.. most of whom are Sunni!

The challenge for the Syrian Revolutionary Council / SRC / is they must make
every attempt to show the Arab League and the West that they can avoid a
Civil War in Syria.

Being able to control the FSA and what they target is the tactical issue the
SRC must overcome.

At the same time, Assad's Sunni Business class support is going to think long
and hard about the AL isolation of Assad.

To them, Syria is all about money and the AL in combination with the UN
isolating Assad will dramatically impact the ability to make money!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


To say most of the "opinions" published on Al Jazeera are one sided is somewhat of an overstatement, but this particular article was nearly palatable.

It's fairly obvious the US has placed a great deal of hope on being able to work with the Muslim Brotherhood... something I'm not holding my breath over.

For months now, I have made the point of reminding everyone the Arab Spring.. Yes I still refer to it as the " Tunisian Virus".. will not end with the same visions it started with.

The "trend" is for a more non sectarian post government and I don't see that trend changing  anytime soon.

Hope is a powerful humanistic trait that is all too  often the only gift people survive on.

For the people who started the movements in the Middle East and North Africa, hope is the cornerstone of their dreams.

The problem is,  throughout history,  hope has often been  the victim of bold aggression!

When the Arab Spring is over, my bet is  bold aggression will win the day. 

Hope!! Sometimes that's all we can do!!! 

Monday, November 14, 2011


Not only did King Abdullah add to the tension of the Arab League pulling back on Syria, but I even heard an official spokesperson for China state China is having second thoughts.

That would leave truly only Russia in the Syrian camp... besides the Syrian Masters in Iran that is!!!

Even Russia's spokesperson got the proverbial " third degree " from Al Jezeera today, getting him to admit most of Russia's concerns are purely economically driven.

So, is Assad getting to the end of his rope?

Of all the things that have been said about the events of Syria, none of them are more damaging than the reaction of the Arab League.

Now, the AL is not the most accredited organization in the world... as a matter of fact most consider it to be laughable most of the time.

The problem for Syria is, the AL does impact the perceptions of many Arabs and that is what the people inside Syria who still back Assad will worry about the most.

For months just about anyone who knows the Middle East has taken one basic line on the Syrian conflict.... as long as the Sunni Businessmen and other financial supporters of Assad stay behind him.... as long as they truly believe that a post Assad Syria is more disasturous than a brutal Syria... Assad will stay in power.

Here is the crack in the armor..  the crack that may crumble Assad's world.

When the AL starts to openly pull away from Assad... when the " collective" of the Arab world gives up on him.. even those who know having him in power is better than having
the unknown of a sectarian conflict in Syria... then Assad could very easily panic... and if he panics... so could Iran..

Here is the real danger of the actions of the AL.

One would hope the AL thought deeply about the second order effects of their public statement on Syria.

As paranoid as Assad and Iran probably are right now.. after the actions of the AL... if Assad even begins to think his true backers in Syria are going to pull away from him... well... all hell could break lose.

Phone calls telling him where he could live and what " others" might do to help him decide to leave will probably not change the course in the near future.

Let's watch over the next few days and see if any of his true supporters inside Syria show signs of dumping him or leaving the country..

Look for Iran to blame the AL rulling on the West.. namely the US and if that doesn't float .. look for Iran to blame the Sunni / GCC influence on the AL..

At that point.. we will be very near a real emergency in the Middle East.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


So, lets keep this as simple as possible.

Iran's possibilities:

The only way Iran takes offensive action against Israel is if Iran's leadership feels they have nothing to lose.

Nothing to lose based upon a pending assault on their Nuclear Program.

Nothing to lose based upon a pending Arab Spring type of event inside Iran.

Iran may utilize the Israeli option to word off a internal governmental conflict.

The relationship between the Persian Nationalist and the Muslim Zealot is only getting worse.

Attacking Israel without inflicting a crippling blow to the mainland of Iran is the most likely tactical course of action by them.

A proxy war that can be ratcheted up or down by Iranian leadership would be the objective.

Keeping Israel from declaring " total warfare" on Iran would have to be the strategy to national survival. 

Having Israel inflicting casualties on non Iranian actors such as the Palestinians and the Lebanese would be a goal of the Iranian government.

Limiting the destruction inside Iran, thus preventing internal criticism would be another consideration.

In short; Iran has very little to gain and a tremendous amount to lose by initiating hostilities with Israel.

If their survival as a nation is at stake, then logically all bets are off.


Lets start with the most basic concept.

Israel is never going to allow Iran to obtain a working nuclear weapon!

The most logical course of action would be for Israel to scale their actions, but unlike Iran who has little to gain by initiating hostilities, Israel will have to base their survival by initiating action against Iran.

A limited First Strike  with the honest warning of what Israel is willing and able to do if follow on attacks are called for is the most logical event sequence.

Iran may have to " save face" to some degree, but they will not risk their national survival on  "saving face".

Israel will have some level of acceptance for " Quid Pro  Quo " and they will probably make that known to the Arab  League and the US.

How bad things become after Israel's Limited First Strike, is entirely up to the lack of support from the rest of the world towards Iran.

Words are just that.... words and Israel will accept damning words for their actions.

I truly believe the Arab League and the rest of the world understands this.

Most of all so does Iran...

Who are their "real friends"?

In reality, they don't have any and this... Israel knows or should know.

The preverbal "woods" of this issue are deep and the odds of getting out peacefully are not very good. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The combinations of what Israel could execute are so complex it would take a book just to begin to cover the issue.

As I did with Iran, I will stick to two major, tactical issues.

The tactics of a limited response:

The tactics of a total / fatal response:

Tactics / limited:

A " limited First Strike" option for Israel could be based on limiting civilian causalities and at the same time damaging the nuclear program in a significant manner. 

Avoiding the functional nuclear power plant, yet striking the facilities the IDF has identified as being part of the  nuclear weapons development would most likely be the most rational targeting concept.

This tactical targeting concept would allow Israel and honestly the rest of the world to control the escalation of the conflict while still giving  Israel the ability to take further action based upon Iran's response. Commonly known as a " Scalable response".

The danger and it's a real danger, of this concept is the " Near Target" reaction options of Iran's " Proxy" support.... Hezbollah... 

Even a limited strike by Israel on Iranian facilities could lead to an immediate retaliation by enemy forces virtually a mile away.

This " retaliation" might also be " limited" and that would be the challenge for Israel... to judge the acceptance level of a retaliation strike without ratcheting up the event uncontrollably.

The good news is, Israel has a great deal of experience in making this judgment call.  

Ok, the bottom line is this.... a " Limited First Strike" by Israel many not achieve the total destruction of the Iranian nuclear weapons program, but that only matters if that is the real strategic goal!

If the Israel goal is to make Iran and the world realize Israel is willing to do whatever it takes to insure it's survival, yet it's actions allowed the world one last chance to bring about change.. then this goal could very well be successful!

Total Response / Unlimited / asymmetric  conflict:

Before I get started, even though I used the term, "Unlimited" in the title of this section, I will leave out the option we all understand Israel has that is never spoken of.  


The results of this action are two things:

1.  Easy to explain tactically .. Iran is destroyed as a functional nation.

2.  The historical course of the Middle East would be totally unpredictable.

So, let's look at the " other" option Israel has for a Total Response.

Tactically speaking, Israel would most likely start such an event with a ballistic missile assault on key targets... targets that may not be based on Iran's nuclear program, but more likely based on Iran's ability to strike back  at Israel.

Short answer.... Tactically limited Iran's ballistic missile response to Israel.

A crippling fist strike would not be limited by a strategic political goal of giving the world time to convince Iran to change their course.

Achieving Air Supremacy of Iran would be the near simultaneously next tactical goal.

If Israel has learned anything from US actions in the Middle East in the past twenty years, it's the concept of Air Supremacy.

Destroy Iran's Ballistic capabilities and achieve Air Dominance. 

Air Dominance would be required over not just Iran, but Lebanon, Sinai  and perhaps Syria..  Depending on Assad's wisdom of picking the right time to abandon Iranian leadership... Yep.. ... Something the Saudi's and Jordan and Egypt might very well influence.  that is if Assad is still in power by then.... 

Air Supremacy over Iran would allow follow on air strikes at the same time making the Iranian government realize the critical position they would be in.
Neutralizing ground threats from inside Lebanon and Gaza and perhaps Syria would be the job of the IDF ground forces.

This is something they know how to execute all too well...

Simply put, the IAF's job would be Iran and the ground forces would take on the mission of the ground threat.

These are complex, large scale operations that would be very... very.. .difficult to hide from Iranian observers.... and spies!

If Israel's intention was to do a modern day concept of a " no notice " attack, it  will have to have the art of mobilization timed to flawless levels.

The easier and more traditional way of achieving this readiness is what was commonly called " Wire Runs" in the Korean Area of Operation.

Standing up your forces... pushing them to the edge of the launch points and then standing them back down...

This concept is exhausting.. expensive .. and still leads to very nervous enemies who by the way can duplicate the tactic.


Israel can make ether of these concepts work... limited... unrestricted...

Their final decision will most likely be based upon how dire they feel the circumstances have become.

What are the odds of Iran or Israel attacking each other and what tactic is the most likely course the world could see?

That's a good discussion for Friday!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Tonight, I will go into detail as to the tactical issues Iran would face confronting Israel.

I will address both First Strike and Retaliation issues.

On Thursday, I will cover Israel's side of this topic.


First Strike / Limited:

The blinding obvious would be the utilization of Hezbollah and other radical group's capabilities; thus reserving actual Iranian assets for counter actions or escalation activities.

Depending on the skill level of the unit members, a night operation would be the most dramatic and cause the highest level of anxiety in Israel.

As for the type of attacks, if Iran is wishing to build the event based upon the concept of Israel responding disproportionately, thus providing Arab Public sentiment behind the attacks, then  we would see the typical rocket, mortar actions but at a much higher level.

 Again, tactically speaking, this would allow Iran to develop an scaleable conflict while at the same time attempting to control the public support in the Arab world.

The attacking units have learned a great deal since the events of 2006 and 2008.

Israel's ability to overwhelm and neutralize the attacking units would be a difficult task for at least the initial phase of the conflict.

Mobile and disguised teams in numbers large than Israel is use to tracking, day to day, would pose a significant challenge.

The fact this attack could initiate at night would only make the response more difficult.

If Iran's goal was not based on civilian casualties, but simply winning the initial phase of the conflict with public opinion and perception, it would be a devastating start for Israel.

The memories of 2006 and 2008 would be topic number one for the media.

" Has Israel learned anything after the events of 2006 and 2008"?

That would be the core of what the media would ask.

The next real tactical advantage this scenario would have for Iran would be the issue of fighting from a defensive position.

This is not new to Hezbollah or other radical groups and when you stack " hit and run" tactics on top of the defensive concept, the initial phase of the conflict will almost assuredly go to Iran.

As I stated once before, the third tactic of this scenario could be temporarily neutralizing Israel Air Force Bases.

If the attacking units can place missiles onto the key airfields, just enough to interrupt runway operations, the IAF would be shaken badly.

Now, launching aircraft under attack is something any skilled air force can accomplish and I can assure you this would be the case in Israel.

The problem becomes if the runway takes damage.

Hezbollah and the Qud are easily skilled enough to understand the value of having these IAF sites under observation.

It is not out of the question these sites could come under ground attack from small tactical teams.

Actually, this concept would probably prove far more disruptive than simple Missile strikes.

An airfield under a special teams attack in the middle of the night would be a chaotic event to say the least.

Getting the penetration of such teams close enough to the IAF installations would be the hardest part of this concept, but the Qud an Hezbollah are skilled fighters and those chosen for such a mission would have planned in great detail.

So, the idea of a night operation that is scaleable based on missile, rocket, mortar attacks, probably as a diversion as specialized teams engage the IAF sites is a dangerous scenario for just about any military.

Starting a conflict without direct Iranian involvement, at least not until someone proves the Qud was part of the specialized units attacking the IAF, and yet putting Israel on their heels, for the first few hours, would be a tempting planning concept.

Here comes the problem with a " Limited" attack... the Israel response will most likely not be " Limited".

Israel has sworn never to go down the road of the 2006 2008 events again!

So, based on that, lets look at the next basic, tactical option for Iran.

The Tactics of First Strike / Asymmetric Operations:

Think of an attack that again takes place in the middle of the night... that has long range missiles and special tactics teams attacking all across the nation of Israel all at one time.

Getting the tactical teams into position would simply be a matter of overrunning typically lightly manned...outpost that are not configured for true "force on force" attacks.

Depending on when Iran decided to initiate this type of attack, lets say an attack from what is known as a " cold start"... no public warnings... no mobilization operations inside Iran. virtually no indication of pending hostilities, these outpost along the key border points would not be prepared for indirect and special operations assaults.

I'm not sure if anyone really has any idea of how many " Hostiles" are already inside the wire of Israel, but for the sake of argument, let's assume there are far more than what would be needed to add to the hysteria of a Missile, Rocket, force on force border attack in the middle of the night.

The concept of follow on attacks out of Lebanon and the Sinai by skilled Commando units, not just lightly trained kids who are ready to die for Allah in the middle of the night would be a nightmare come true for the people of Israel... it would be a nightmare come true for the rest of the civilized world.

Commando units with pre designated targets such as power stations.. rail yards.. and cell towers. would insure the panic in the country grew with each passing hour.

Long range Iranian missiles impacting inside Israel would be the first indication this event was unlike any in Israel's past!

Again, the issue of the IAF sites being temporarily neutralized would be devastating to the IDF.

The simple fact is, if properly executed, such an asymmetric attack would place Israel in a panic mode that would probably result in   Tehran becoming the first retaliatory target of the conflict.

The concept of striking Lebanon... Hezbollah locations along with other radical groups working out of Gaza would most likely fall to secondary... follow on targeting.

The first response, once the IDF confirmed long range Iranian missiles, would most likely lead to the destruction of key, pre designated strategic targets sites in Iran.

Tactically deescalating this type of an event would be virtually impossible.

Where this would lead in the next several hours would be almost as frightening as the event itself.

As I said the other day, I don't believe most people understand how dangerous a conflict between Iran and Israel could be for the entire region and the world economy.

Tomorrow, I will look at the Israel tactics of a First Strike..... limited and Fatal Blow..

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Yesterday I briefly outlined the possible Iranian, strategic concepts of a First Strike on Israel and the possible consequences of such actions.

Given the prevailing theory is Israel will strike first, let's go over what the strategic issues might be for Israel and what repercussions their actions may bring upon them and more importantly their Allies.


First and foremost, I would be absolutely shocked to see Israel take this course of action given the fact they would be sacrificing the element of surprise,  yet limiting their impact on the Iranian nuclear facilities; it would almost seem self-defeating!

Targeting nuclear program areas that have low probability of civilian casualties, thus limiting public outcry is the main objective of a limited strike.

The ability to scale the follow on attacks after giving a warning that further attacks are ready for execution again gives Israel the option of controlling the severity  of the conflict.

The real danger with any nation contemplating such an option is suffering a disproportionate response.

Israel would have to truly gamble Iran would limit it's response based upon the "limited" attack from Israel.

In nation states where the survival of the country is not really in question, the theory of limited, scaleable attacks or counterattacks is a logical pattern.

In a nation the size of Israel, with limited abilities to survive a massive first round counterattack and yet still be able to win a decisive confrontation  this would is a dangerous gamble.

 I simply don't see this scenario taking place.

The Risk Assessment formulary will never pass the IDF's senior command.

Having said this, the one weighted factor that could influence the final decision could be the support of lack of support from Israel's Allies.

Simply put, if the US ask Israel, assuming the US would get the opportunity to ask, to limit it's attack or risk alienating it's strongest protector, Israel would have to think long and hard.

Would the US get the chance to weigh in on the issue?

At this point in time,  I don't think they will.

So, let's move on to a more plausible scenario.


So much has been written about the high probability of Israel not being able to accomplish a complete destruction of the Iranian nuclear program that it's possible many in the world truly believe this statement.

I would be willing to bet you there is one nation that doesn't believe this theory to be true..... Israel!!!

Here is the technical problem with this all too common theory from the " talking heads" on TV.

Nuclear programs are incredibly expensive and complex and most of all fragile. 

The idea that every facility and every piece of equipment must be destroyed to prevent the program from being rebuilt is foolish.

What needs to be hit... what it needs to be hit with and what impact that will have to the overall program has been reviewed time and time again.

It is unrealistic to think Israel has not worked this part the attack scenario for several years now.

"Shock and Awe" is not a proprietary concept to the US.
The complex part of Israeli " Fatal Blow" First Strike is not just understanding what par
of the nuclear program must be attacked and what level of damage must be achieved.

Israel must also plan for the neutralization of Hezbollah and any other organization, such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad and this part of the attack must take place nearly simultaneously.

What resources will be used for what target is a detailed process.

Again, this is not news to Israel and you can rest assured they have this plan complete.

Stacked on top of the issues of nuclear facility targeting and neutralization operations, Israel must have a defendable... believable Public Information Operation plan ready to execute.

This message must be geared towards not just Israel's own public, but more importantly it must attempt to justify a First Strike to the rest of the world.

Now, Israeli government is realistic in it's expectations.

For a large segment of the Middle Eastern Population, the reasoning will not be heard!

What Israel must rely on is the known but seldom spoken hatred for the Iranian's by Arab Leadership.

Keeping the GCC and others limited to verbal ridicule is the real goal.

Keeping the common Arab / Muslim / populist calm is the challenge of the Arab Leadership.

Simply put, this attack will most likely explode the Arab Spring issue in places such as Egypt and Jordan.

Add to this the reaction to Hezbollah's neutralization mission that will have to take place on Lebanese soil and the issue of Second Order Effects..... Law of Unintended Consequences becomes the Delta that is simply too complex to anticipate.

Ok, lets simplfy this topic.

Israel can achieve a Fatal First Strike on the Iranian program.

The result will be an Iran that will not have the ability to rebuild a nuclear weapons program anytime in the distant future.

The Iranian Nuclear threat will be eliminated.

In the process... the Middle East will have social turmoil that could easily topple the Saudi and Jordanian governments.

The Israeli government may be tossed from power as a result as well; a possibility that I am sure has been factored into the plan.. a plan that could easily be understood by more than just one political party in Israel.

A regional war may be avoided simply because the Arabs and the Ottomans do not see value in destroying their countries over the Persians....  Somewhat the same fate the Palestinians have suffered for over 40 years.


What does Israel have to lose by going " limited"???  A lot ..perhaps too much....

What does Israel have to lose by striking a fatal blow?? 

Who is it that continues to say, "Israel's days as a nation are numbered"?

I think you get the picture.

Oh ya.. I called this option " A fatal blow with a dire warning".

In the history of Israel, the topic or recognition of it's nuclear weapons program has never been officially acknowledged. 

If this fatal blow plan somehow would go wrong.. if Hezbollah and others were able to deal a catastrophic blow to Israel... the warning of what price could be paid may very well be given.

I think that warning was given in 1973 and the two Super Powers at that time rushed to prevent a calamity.

Don't be foolish enough to think history can not repeat itself.

On Wednesday... I will look at what I consider the interesting part of this possible conflict... the tactics of how each side might execute their plan.