Monday, May 13, 2013


So, Rafsanjani shows back up as some had predicted?

 This will make the process interesting to say the least.

At 79 yrs old, he is one of the most colorful and complex individuals that could possibly enter the race.

Not in the Ahmadinejad camp...not in the "reformist camp".... not in the "ultra conservative camp"... and when you get right down  to it..... it's hard to tell where he stands on issues from day to day.

A "pragmatist"??? I would question that categorization!!

A well schooled "opportunist" is my definition of this old political master of Iranian politics.

A great deal will be written about what this might mean to the elections as the next few weeks pass, but one thing is for sure; the close-hold meetings with Khamenei's inner circle  will be intense.

For all the complexities of the pending election, by far the most important issue will become how does Khamenei handle the process?

Can he over influence the process thus jeopardizing results?

Can he control the outcome as well as he did in 2009 without repercussions?

Can he control the infighting that is going to take place over the next few weeks?

How much attention does he have to give the process as he sits and worries over the Russians and the US cutting a deal on Syria, a deal the Iranians may very well not be party to?

Yes, my friends, as advertised........ the elections this time around in Iran are going to be far more than "interesting"!!!

They could prove to be dangerous to the "old guard"!!!

Iran's time and energy is about to be split between Syria... a proxy war with it's loyal lapdog Hezbollah feeling the strains even internally, the danger of a rebellious Iraqi environment covered with the issue of those always "pesky" Kurds..... and most of all..... A Tsar who the Iranians know all too well will make "deals" based on what is good for Russia and not what is good for Iran and the paranoid Persians.

Let's watch the Iranian leadership squirm!!