Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Bashar Jaafari and Ahmadinejad both get the joke of the day award!!

Bashar Jaafari had to work real hard at holding a straight face as we talked about Syria’s mass killings of it’s own people.

To make the comment that “some mistakes have been made” is like absolutely deplorable.

For all the ridiculousness of this feeble attempt to give a press briefing, I think the real message may have been overlooked.

Bashar’s comments about Syria’s “sovereign rights” is most likely a result of the meeting with the Turkish leadership.

The rumor has been and remains Turkey is considering a “ Safe Zone” on Syrian land.

If this topic came up yesterday, behind closed doors, then today’s  announcement by Bashar was part of Syria’s formal response to such a concept.

You could almost take this as  a warning not only to Turkey, but to the UN as well.

I have said it for several months now; Assad and Iran are not going to allow Syria to be governed by the Sunni and at the same time take control of Lebanon.

Assad is beginning  to have so few options that the possibility of increased violence towards his people is nearly guaranteed.

The employment of Field Artillery in the past three days is just another sign of how desperate he is.
I think the casualty rate count will go way up when the people are finally able to come outside.

It simply impossible to know how many are dead with rounds landing all around your home.

I have one final note comment about   Syria before I comment on the moronic   statement by Ahmadinejad.

If the rumor of the Syrian Defense Minister, Al Habib, being dead is true, then the theory of just how bad the defection issue is could explode!

It wont matter if it’s true or will not matter.

The Resistance group will take credit for Assad continuing to lose control.

Ok… now for the Crazy Genie  and his amazing  statement on the events in England.

Now, it’s nothing new to sit and watch Ahmadinejad make such outrageous statements that take your breath away.

Having said that, the concept that he would ridicule the government of England for it’s actions over the past five days is a stretch even for him.

Again; how he could pull this off with a straight face, although he usually has a half-baked smile on his face when he talks, is beyond me.

Now, why would he say such a utterly stupid thing?

Remember what I said yesterday.

Iran needs events in England to get as bad as they can possibly get.

NEVER EVER forget my theory of Iran and distractions!!!

If I was a member of INTERPOL, I would be looking at anyone in England that is a known Iranian supporter or operative.

What the Mad Genie did let us know today is he is going to exploit the riots in England as much as possible.