Wednesday, August 29, 2012


To read these stories today dealing with Assad attempting to convince "someone" or some group, that he simply needs more time brings up an interesting issue.

Who is he trying to "convince"?

His supporters, but what section of his supporters?

The Russians... the Iranians.. the Sunni business owners ????

I have another question besides that issue.

Why does he feel compelled to convince some one or some group he is going to make it?

Has he caught wind of someone or some group abandoning him?

If he has, it would have to be a supporter that was important enough to him that he would give such a bold statement.

The DEBKA attached story might just be a indicator of what is worrying Assad.

If Putin has decided to disengage with Assad, I am sure he would not do so in a written letter to the media.

If the DEBKA sources are correct, then I would bet the Tsar will not do so lightly.

If Russia is about to give up on Assad, there will be a price to pay somewhere else; that's just how the old KGB Boss does business.

So, lets assume Assad is really worried about "key" supporters pulling away.

What does it mean to him?

It means he is nearer to his death bed than most realize!

This press announcement by Assad was almost like a scene right out of an old Mob movie.

"Just give me a little more time.. you know I'm good for the money"!!!


That is how the line usually ends in the Mob movies and that may be the way Assad's movie is about to end.