Monday, March 4, 2013


  So, Syrian soldiers were killed on Iraqi soil today?

Allegedly, Iraqi forces were also killed in this ambush expiration point

Is it news that Iraqi forces are supporting Syrian regular military?

Obviously the answer is no.

Is it new that the Syrian rebels\freedom fighters\when ambush Syrian regulars on a rocky land?

Yes it is!

Last week the issue was Hezbollah forces operating along and inside of the Lebanese border and this week it is now Syrian forces operating and fighting from Iraqi soil.

So, it's no wonder once again the topic at the United Nations today was the overwhelming fear of a "spreading conflict".

No one truly believes that this event on Iraqi land is the opening salvo of Iraqi regular forces supporting Syrian regime.

But, is yet another indication of how volatile the region has become.

Rounds have fallen in Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon so the event stated above although alarming is not the beginning of a greater conflict.

The ability to contain conflict within the borders of Syria is not an issue of keeping other nationstates out of the fight as much as it is keeping them from overreacting to embarrassing situations such as the one that took place on Iraqi land.

I am still very condensed that none of Syria's neighbors truly wish to be involved in the conflict that engulf Syria, but sending the right message involves the fine art of not over or under reacting.

Is newsworthy is this event may have been, I'm still convinced the true issue at hand is Lebanon and the actions of Hezbollah wrapped in a Shia Sunni conflict.

Simply put, this Iraqi event is newsworthy for a day or so, but in the end is simply just another indication of how fluid events in Syria truly are.