Monday, January 23, 2012


At face value this may not sound like much and truly  it is not the first time something like this has  happened in the past few months, but never the less it could be the classic spark that starts the fire in Lebanon.

The polarized environment in Lebanon has continued to become more emotional with each passing day.

At some point an event like the one in the attached article  will most likely lead to an overreaction on one side or the other.

For The Syrian government standpoint, the issue of Lebanon is a delicate matter with disastrous outcomes for Syria and more importantly for Iran.

They know Sunni groups and ' others' are supplying the Resistance in Syria...
truly they would not be out in a fishing boat looking to shoot a young fisherman for the sport of it. 

The Syrians are also very aware of the repercussions from  killing Lebanese citizens.... especially on Lebanese soil.

Hezbollah is entrusted to " keep the peace" in Lebanon, but with the emotions of the STL and the current events in Syria, that is mostly likely a mission Iran and Al Assad cannot count on.

 We all know young men with guns trying to stop young men with guns seldom leads to peaceful results.

Within Lebanon the rifts run deep and the events in Syria occupy a large part of the daily conversations.

Basically, most Lebanese  people are just waiting for their own country to catch on fire.

Weapons sales increase with each passing day.

What I find interesting is the attitude the GCC and the Israelis most likely have towards the potential problems in Lebanon.

What better way to deal with  Hezbollah then to paint them as the loyal lapdogs of Syria and Iran and not the protectors of the Lebanese people as they claim they are.

For Hezbollah to ignore events such as this young Fisherman's fate only makes their stance with the Lebanese people weaker, and God knows they cannot afford to side with Syria if Syria continues to murder Lebanese citizens.  

Iran knows the danger Hezbollah faces with the issue of Lebanon.

A distracted Hezbollah has very little time to do the bidding of Iran or Syria.