Sunday, July 1, 2012


So the UN has yet another "UN Movement"!!

A Transition plan for Syria that leaves it up to the "Syrian people" to "Figure it out".

What the UN touts about is the fact the major world governments "agreed" on this plan, to include the Russians!!!


So what does that mean?


Nothing and every world " leader" knows it.

Did it help the UN and Annan save face?

Perhaps just a little bit.

When you look at the verbiage, it sounds as if the Russians viewpoint was the prevailing theme; "let the Syrian people decide what the transition government should look like".

All in all, it all comes down to yet another UN farce that looks to protect the image of the UN and not really solve anything.

Does anyone really think the opposition and the Assad regime are going to sit down and agree to a "joint / coalition government"?


I would have been embarrassed to announce such a "plan".

Give this story another 24hrs and it will be easy to see what a joke this meeting turned out to be.

The real story in the past two days has been the scrambled fighters from Turkey and the rumors of more Turkish combat units showing up on the Syrian border.

Scrambled jets and troops in close contact to each other are recipes for "mistakes" and mistakes right now are more than dangerous; they could be disastrous.