Friday, June 17, 2011


 For Rami Makhlouf to announce he is going to dedicate his life to charity causes is not only laughable, but it's actually just sick!

I am always completely flabbergasted when I hear of some absolute Thug, Gangster, suddenly declaring they are taking the highroad.

You can always tell when these dirt bags are in trouble, real trouble; they suddenly start turning over a new leaf.

This Monster has made a fast fortune off the blood of the Syrian people thanks to his cousin Assad and his family.

Perhaps what is even more frightening are the people who actually think low life's like Makhlouf are capable of becoming decent  members of society.

Makhlouf smell the end coming soon and he is now trying to do damage control.

The people of Syria will not forget and they will not forgive!

What this does show us is just how worried the 'inner circle' of the ruling government is becoming.

For all the talk of 'everything is fine and a few thugs are the real problem', Assad and his band of thieves are realizing the end is near.

Don't underestimate what this announcement from Makhlouf really means.

Assad doesn't.